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Learning Java
25 October 2019 9:16
Java coding for Dummies: what’s the best option to learn it from scratch
Is there a perfect way to learn Java coding for dummies? Let’s find out how not to get lost in the ocean of options in this tutorial for newbies. Learning anything from books seems the right option, but does it make sense in learning to code?...
Marat Kadzhaev
Success Stories
16 October 2019 8:16
In the beginning, there was ...
My first job's probation period ended 3 years ago, but only now did I find time to write an article. I spent a year in different departments at my university: in my first semester, I studied management, and in my second semester, I switched to software engineering. I hoped they would teach me how to program...
Boris Khripko
Success Stories
11 October 2019 12:59
Switching to IT
Hello, everyone! Let me share a few words about how I decided to enter the IT field. In doing so, I hope to boost the motivation and self-confidence of anyone contemplating or already trying to walk this path. I have to say that each individual must make a firm personal decision as to whether this is a good fit...
Eugene Denisov
Success Stories
1 October 2019 14:13
A small tip for your educational plan
I've decided to write about what I really missed when I first began my studies on Java programming, namely, what needs to be studied and in what order. From the very first levels of the course, you can begin a parallel study of database management systems...
Success Stories
22 September 2019 16:29
How was it? Or my first project
A little bit about how I got into programming. I am a teacher and psychologist by training, and for 5 years I have been practicing my profession successfully. But for various reasons, I am increasingly thinking about moving to another country. And because the language and regulations are different in other countries...
Success Stories
16 September 2019 12:38
My story. Java developer at 18
Hello, everyone. I decided to share my success story. I've been mulling with the idea for quite some time, but I couldn't bring my fingers to the keyboard. When I did, I wanted to produce something unique. As a result, I postponed the effort, but now I'm going to tell you plainly what happened, without any concepts...
Vladimir Kalinichenko
Success Stories
4 September 2019 10:59
The story of a humanities-minded person
Hello, everyone! As 2018 drew to a close (the original story was posted on January 2019 — editor’s note), I, like all decent people, decided to settle my debts. And I owe thanks to everyone who in one way or another helped me change my life and become a programmer...
John Selawsky
Java Developer
4 September 2019 9:25
8 common mistakes made by rookie programmers
Hi! Today we'll look at 8 very common mistakes made by rookie (and other) Java developers. You'll find plenty of such lists on the web: many of them are similar to one another. As we compiled our list, we were guided by one criterion: whether we made the mistakes ourselves during our studies or employment...
Learning Java
3 September 2019 9:37
Java Programming for Beginners: What to Do and Where to start
Most beginners grow faint heart whenever they hear “Java programming for beginners.” They see the Java language as some boring set of technical jargons. However, fears remain a misconception. Java is nearly the best programming language you can start within your programming journey. But some learners...
John Squirrels
2 September 2019 6:21
Autumn sale on CodeGym: Back to learning!
Hey! Probably, many of us have both “back-to-school-time” habit to delay studying something new till September and habit to wait till Monday to start something special. Believe it or not, we assume that today is a perfect time for changes. If you ever desired to be a successful Java developer, things...
Success Stories
29 August 2019 9:06
From the ring to the IT field
The story of how one athlete moved into a career in IT. May it become the inspiration for your further learning and maybe one day you’ll want to share your own story with us :)
Andrey Ivanov
Success Stories
26 August 2019 16:03
From the backend to the frontend
This is the first time I've written autobiographically. Please don't judge me to harshly. :) The text may seem to be mostly about how I've become who I am. Perhaps that will make it more inspiring :) I'm 25 years old, I didn't finish college, I've worked for 2 years as an engineer, and last year I worked as a sales...
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