here is the demo program that it has to work with this code no exceptions has to work and be coded properly if you can please use jgrasp as that's what I'm using

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ThermometerDemo{

   public static void main(String[] args)
   // testing all constructors of Thermometer class and accessor and toString methods
      Thermometer therm1 = new Thermometer();
      System.out.println("Therm1 should be 0 degrees Celsius: " + therm1.toString() );
      System.out.println("Therm1 test of accessor methods: " + therm1.getTemp() + " " + therm1.getTempScale());

      Thermometer therm2 = new Thermometer(-40, "C");
      System.out.println("Therm2 should be -40 degrees Celsius: " + therm2.toString() );
      System.out.println("Therm2 test of accessor methods: " + therm2.getTemp() + " " + therm2.getTempScale());

   // testing of equals method when both thermometers have the same scale C
      if (therm1.equals(therm2))    //is therm2 (-40C) = therm1 (0C)? (FALSE)
         System.out.println("ERROR: equals method reporting true when using C scale");
         System.out.println("OK: equals method reporting false when therm1 = 0 C and therm2 = -40 C");

   // testing of lessers method when both thermometers have the same scale C
      if (therm2.lessers(therm1))   //is therm1 (0C) < therm2 (-40C) (FALSE)
         System.out.println("ERROR: lessers method reporting true when using C scale");
         System.out.println("OK: lessers method reporting false when using C scale");

   // testing of greaters method when both thermometers have the same scale C
      if (therm2.greaters(therm1))  //is therm1 (0C) > therm2 (-40C) (TRUE)
         System.out.println("OK: greaters method reporting true when using C scale");
         System.out.println("ERROR: greaters method reporting false when using C scale");

   // testing of mutator methods -- change to two Fahrenheit values
      therm2.setTempSystem(0.0, "F");

   // testing of equals method when both thermometers have the same scale F
      if (therm1.equals(therm2))    //is therm2 (0F) = therm 1 (32F)? (FALSE)
         System.out.println("ERROR: equals method reporting true when using F scale");
         System.out.println("OK: equals method reporting false when using F scale");

   // testing of lessers method when both thermometers have the same scale F
      if (therm1.lessers(therm2))   //is therm2 (0F) < therm1 (32F)? (TRUE)
         System.out.println("OK: lessers method reporting true when using F scale");
         System.out.println("ERROR: lessers method reporting false when using F scale");

   // testing of greaters method when both thermometers have the same scale F
      if (therm2.greaters(therm1))  // is therm2 (0F) > therm1 (32F)? (FALSE)
         System.out.println("OK: greaters method reporting true when using F scale");
         System.out.println("ERROR: greaters method reporting false when using F scale");

   // testing equivalent temperature values using different temperature scales
    therm1.setTempSystem(0.0, "C");
    therm2.setTempSystem(32.0, "F");
    boolean result = therm1.equals(therm2);
    System.out.println("0.0C = 32.0F (True) = " + result);      //should be true

    therm1.setTempSystem(-40.0, "F");
    therm2.setTempSystem(-40.0, "C");
    result = therm1.equals(therm2);
    System.out.println("-40.0C = -40.0F (True) = " + result);

    therm1.setTempSystem(100.0, "C");
    therm2.setTempSystem(212.0, "F");
    result = therm1.equals(therm2);
    System.out.println("100.0C = 212.0F (True) = " + result);

    // testing of public static methods to convert temperatures
    System.out.println("Result of static method should be 0C: " + Thermometer.convertC(32.0));
    System.out.println("Result of static method should be 32FC: " + Thermometer.convertF(0.0));