1) createTempFile should create a new file but doesn't why? 2) if I use an existing file is does not write to it why? it only works if I add the filepath in the constructor of the outputstream.
// Update the string passed to the createTempFile method based on the path to a file on your hard drive
       try {
           //createTempFile should create a new file but doesn't why?
           //if I use an exiting file is does not write to it why?
           //it only works if I add the filepath in the contructor of the outputstream.
           File yourFile = File.createTempFile("/Users/lilianetop/Desktop/taak2001A", ".txt");
           OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(yourFile);
           //OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/Users/lilianetop/Desktop/taak2001.txt");
           InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(yourFile);