Ok, I am stupid, I am new to this, I get that....but what the heck?!
According to this article ( that I read over and over again ) https://codegym.cc/groups/posts/104-the-difference-between-abstract-classes-and-interfaces " An interface only describes behavior. It has no state."
But if we try to do the same with an interface, the picture is different. We can try to add variables to it:
public interface CanFly {
String species = new String();
int age = 10;
public void fly();
public interface CanFly {
private String species = new String(); // Error
private int age = 10; // Another error
public void fly();
We can't even declare private variables inside an interface. Why? Because the private modifier was created to hide the implementation from the user. And an interface has no implementation inside it: there isn't anything to hide.
An interface only describes behavior. Accordingly, we can't implement getters and setters inside an interface. This is the nature of interfaces: they are needed to work with behavior, not state.
Ok, Isn't the code in the WeatherType.java implementation? Once again, I know I'm stupid, but this is.... in the article you say "this cannot be done" and here I see it done...What?!package com.codegym.task.task13.task1317;
Nice weather
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new Today(WeatherType.CLOUDY));
System.out.println(new Today(WeatherType.FOGGY));
System.out.println(new Today(WeatherType.FREEZING));
static class Today implements Weather {
private String type;
Today(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getWeatherType() {
return this.type;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Today it will be %s", this.getWeatherType());