Hello everyone,
I have unusual question. Yesterday by accident somehow my language in some areas of CodeGym changed from English to Russian (for example instead of “level” under name I see “уровень”). This also affected some text in intelliJ (in task conditions instead of the word “requirements” I have “Требования”).
I have tried disconnecting FB account, changing email, clearing cookies and reinstalling CodeGym plug in and nothing seems to work.
Not that I complain (it is not preventing me from understanding tasks because the remain in parts are in English and also I can learn some Russian :) ) but is there any way to go back to English description? Is there an obviously huge button or option that I am missing? I couldn't find the answer.
CodeGym language change
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27 September 2020, 12:08
Miguel RodriguezExpert
25 November 2023, 03:25
Hi, this link returns 404 error, page not found.
Is there another link to access to the language setup for the course?
25 November 2023, 09:46
The interface language you can change in the footer. If you intend to change the course language then you should try to contact support.
Miguel RodriguezExpert
25 November 2023, 12:28
thank you! I'll do that.
Kshemesh Mehta
5 September 2020, 14:06
Please advice How to change language back to English.
Barbara Ervin
5 June 2019, 12:16
yup mine too .
5 June 2019, 11:54solution
The entire plantform is a copy of a Russian platform, so im guessing it's probably something they missed while translating
5 June 2019, 12:37
Ah, I did not know that. Thanks for the anwser! If it is general problem then I close my question.