I specifically met the 5th requirement:
I overridden the getName method to say "I am not a cow, I am whale" and that what the output says:
public static class Whale extends Cow {
public String getName() { return "I'm not a cow. I'm a whale";}
Why is the validator not accepting this?
package com.codegym.task.task12.task1201;
Whales and cows
Override the getName method in the Whale class, so that the program displays:
I'm not a cow. I'm a whale.
1. The program should display text on the screen.
2. The Whale class must inherit the Cow class.
3. The Whale class must override the getName() method.
4. The main() method must call the Cow object's getName() method.
5. Override the getName method in the Whale class so that the program displays: "I'm not a cow. I'm a whale."
6. The main() method should display the result of calling the getName() method.
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cow cow = new Whale();
public static class Cow {
public String getName() {
return "I'm a cow";
public static class Whale extends Cow {
public String getName() { return "I'm not a cow. I'm a whale";}