package; import com.codegym.engine.cell.*; public class MinesweeperGame extends Game { private GameObject[][] gameField = new GameObject[SIDE][SIDE]; // check spelling of GameObject[][] variable above private static final int SIDE = 9; public void initialize() { createGame(); setScreenSize(SIDE,SIDE); } private void createGame(){ for (int x = 0; x < SIDE ; x++) {// on both of these, use SIDE instead of hard coding for (int y = 0; y < SIDE ; y++) { // the loop counter, if you ever change the size of the game // you would have to change this code as well gameField [y] [x] = new GameObject (x, y); setCellColor(x, y, Color.AZURE); // setCellColor should be the same as the game object, j/i not i/j // remember that (x,y) coords differ from accessing multi-dimensional [y][x] arrays } } } public void setScreenSize(int x, int y){ } public void setCellColor(int x , int y , String Color){ } }