Java Collections

Java Collections

The Java Collections quest is dedicated to an in-depth study of Java collections and more. We'll talk about how to work with files and archives. We'll discuss what design patterns are and how to use them. You'll get experience working with JSON, Guava, Apache Commons Collections, and JUnit. You'll learn the details of garbage collection in Java. In addition to the advanced components of Core, you will get acquainted with tools needed by any modern software developer. Learn about Git and JAXB, RMI and DymamicProxy. And we'll touch on another important programming language — JavaScript. On this quest, you will create mini-projects, which are big tasks. To facilitate learning, they are divided into stages.

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Thành Black
Level 49 , Hanoi
30 November 2021, 03:56
Hi have anyone here? I want to ask what books have you read to get here? I have used a lot of frauds available and I know that I have a lot of knowledge holes to be supplemented? Some good someone will give me a few documents, thank you all!
Thành Black
Level 49 , Hanoi
4 December 2021, 08:25
Thank you but sincere advice. CodeGym is a better practice place than a place to find out details.
Level 2 , San Diego, United States
26 January 2023, 05:43
Read ALL the Articles section here in Code Gym I study other languages ... it's all OOP and improves my skills and range Head First Java 2022 3rd Edition --- Stroustrup -- C++ Programming -- Head First Android
Level 41
10 August 2021, 07:05
Collections, DONE! After about 114h of study compared to 173 for multithreading. Collections was much easier than MT. Also done with the course, yay! Next challenge, let's go! 🥳👍😁
Level 41
9 June 2021, 14:28
Man, multithreading was brutal, it made me question my existence multiple times; it also made me question whether programming 'is for me' and if I should continue or not. But, here I am ! Starting the final chapter. I remember being level 5-10 thinking 'man, I wonder how long it's going to take me to get to level 30...' I am curious to see how long this module is going to take and how it will be compared to the multithreading quest. Which by the way, CodeGym, if you are reading this, great job so far, but multithreading could use a do-over with more in depth lessons and more relevant exercises. Anyway, let's get this show on the road my fellow JavaWockeez !
Level 41 , San Jose, Sweden
10 June 2021, 07:04
don't worry! Collections are easier than multithreading IMO.
Level 41
10 June 2021, 07:57
So I've heard. I'm not worried I was just reflecting on my journey so far 😄👍
Level 31 , Cape Town, South Africa
12 November 2020, 20:00
Level 3 title says Working with Guava, Apache Commons and JUnit, but the lessons are about JSON and XML, no Guava or Apache commons there (?)
Level 41 , San Jose, Sweden
6 June 2021, 07:23
Guava and Apache are in the lesson 6 big task
Level 23 , Amsterdam, Netherlands
16 June 2019, 12:51
Which is better to start after finishing leven 20? This module or the module about Multithreading?
Satya Vath
Level 31 , Vijayawada, India
17 June 2019, 15:21
Level 23 , Amsterdam, Netherlands
17 June 2019, 18:52
Satya Vath
Level 31 , Vijayawada, India
18 June 2019, 08:23
You Can Check The Levels Collections from 31 MultiThreading from 21
Ewerton Backend Developer
6 July 2019, 20:03
I don't know, this seems funnier, so... bye Multithreading, see you in 10 levels.
Viktor Blank
Level 14 , Berlin, Germany
4 January 2020, 23:00
Not supposed to be, huh? :))
Level 18 , St. Petersburt, Russian Federation
15 January 2020, 06:34
In the previous version of this beautiful course Java Multithreading was behind Java Collections, but now they decided it can be in the parallel. So I think it could be :)
Oana Mancu
Level 41 , Bucharest, Romania
8 November 2020, 19:54
I alternated them. 1 or 2 levels from Multithreading, than 1 or 2 levels from the other one. And so on.