CodeGym/Java Course/Module 6. Career Center/What to Do After Receiving a Job Offer?

What to Do After Receiving a Job Offer?


You've finally got that coveted job offer! Now, what's next?

The goal of an offer is to wrap up the negotiation process, confirming the main agreements between the employer and the job candidate.

Job offers come in various forms:

  • Formal/Informal
  • Written/Verbal

Any job offer is acceptable, as the essence matters more than the form. However, there are nuances to consider.

Formal Job Offer

Typically sent by European companies adhering to standard employment procedures, often coordinated with legal teams. Such offers usually include the company's name and logo, the job position, key responsibilities, employment type (full-time, part-time, or project-based), start date, salary and payment frequency, bonuses, and who's responsible for taxes (either the company or you).

If you receive a written job offer, a written response is expected - whether you accept it or not. If you need time to think, specify a date by when you'll decide and possibly mention the reason, like considering other offers.

Informal Job Offer

In some Eastern European countries, job offers don't hold legal weight (but this varies). For instance, in Ukraine's current legislation, employment is based on a formal application, which a job offer doesn't replace.

If there’s no strict need, an employer might make a verbal offer, via email or messaging, in a free-form manner, without the formalities discussed earlier. However, such offers are still significant as they solidify your agreements with the employer.

Document in writing what's been agreed verbally - it's the least you can do for your benefit.

As a candidate, you might write an email like this:

"Let's summarize our agreement.
I'll start as <position> on <date> for project <name>.
Working full-time/part-time, approximately <hours> per week.
Payment of <salary> per month, disbursed between the 5th and 10th of each month.
Please confirm."

Additional Advice for Receiving Job Offers

Polite Refusals: If the offer doesn’t suit you or you have a better option, respond honestly but briefly, thank the recruiter, and suggest keeping in touch. Circumstances for both parties might change.

Prompt Acceptance: If the offer meets your expectations, it's appropriate to respond immediately. The response date isn’t always stated in the job offer.

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