CodeGym /Courses /All lectures for EN purposes /Useful classes from Apache Commons

Useful classes from Apache Commons

All lectures for EN purposes
Level 1 , Lesson 373

List of useful classes

The Commons project complements the Java Collections platform. It provides several classes that make handling collections much easier. It also provides many new interfaces, implementations, and utilities.

The main features of the Commons project collections are as follows:

  • Bag
    interfaces simplify collections that have multiple copies of each object.
  • BidiMap The
    BidiMap interfaces provide bidirectional maps that can be used to look up values ​​using keys or keys using values.
  • MapIterator The
    MapIterator interface provides simple iteration over maps.
  • Transformation Decorators
    Transformation decorators can change each object in the collection as and when it is added to the collection.
  • Compound Collections
    Compound collections are used when multiple collections must be treated in the same way.
  • Ordered map
    Ordered maps maintain the order in which elements are added.
  • Ordered set
    Ordered sets store the order in which elements are added.
  • Reference Map
    The Reference Map allows you to collect keys/values ​​under strict control.
  • Comparator Implementations
    There are many comparator implementations available.
  • Iterator Implementations
    There are many iterator implementations available.
  • Adapter Classes
    Adapter classes are available for converting arrays and enums into collections.
  • Utilities Utilities
    are available for testing or creating typical properties of set theories, such as union, intersection. Supports closing.

There is a lot of information, so just try to remember that there are such collections.

And remember one thing! If you want to implement something of your own, unique, first check if there is already a ready-made solution for this. Most likely it will, because you are not the first to learn Java. If you use some ready-made solution, it will be easier for you and your colleagues)
