CodeGym /Courses /Java Syntax Zero /Nuances of working with arrays

Nuances of working with arrays

Java Syntax Zero
Level 6 , Lesson 2

1. Arrays in memory

In the previous examples, the illustrations were a little inaccurate.

When creating arrays (as when creating strings), two separate blocks of memory are allocated: one for storing the array (container) itself and a second block for the variable that stores its address. The picture below represents this clarification:

Arrays in memory

The memory allocated for the array of 10 int elements and the int[] variable that stores the address of the int array, is shown in green.

For comparison, an ordinary int variable storing the value 199 is shown in blue.

This is a little reminiscent of storing strings in memory, don't you think?

That's right, strings. And just as when you work with strings, you can assign array variables to one another:

Code Explanation
int[] a = new int[10];
a[2] = 4;
a[7] = 9;
int[] b = a;

a[9] = b[2] + a[7];
Create an array of 10 int elements.
Assign the value 4 to the cell with index 2.
Assign the value 9 to the cell with index 7.
In the b variable, save the address stored in the a variable.
Now a and b point to the same array object in memory.
In the array object's cell with index 9, write the sum of the values that are stored in cells 2 (which stores the value 4) and 7 (which stores the value 9).

The array object stays right where it was, and the a and b variables store the same address (reference) to the same object. Look at the picture:

Arrays in memory 2

2. More details about working with arrays

You can create an array of elements of absolutely any type. To do this, simply write square brackets after the type name. In general, creating an array looks like this:

type[] name = new type[number];

Where type is the type of the elements we will store in the array. Name is the name of the variable we will use to refer to the array, and number is the number of cells in the array.

The example above is the canonical form for creating an array variable and array object. In reality, these are two separate entities.

You can create an array variable separately from an array object:

type[] name;
name = new type[number];

And one more point that is not insignificant:

You can use variables or even entire expressions as the index array and number of array elements.


Code Explanation
int n = 100;
int[] a = new int[n];
Create an array of n elements
int n = 100;
int[] a = new int[n * 2 + 3];
Create an array with 203 elements
int n = 100;
int[] a = new int[n];
a[n-1] = 2;
a[n-2] = 3;
a[n/5] = a[n-1] + a[n-2]

// a[99] = 2;
// a[98] = 3;
// a[20] = a[99] + a[98];
By the way, you should be aware that if you try to access an array cell using an index that doesn't exist for the array (in our example, that means any integer not in the range 0..99), then the program will crash with an ArrayIndexOfBoundException, meaning that the index was outside the bounds of the array.

3. Array length

As you saw in the previous example, you can create an array variable by itself and then later assign a value (a reference to an array object) to it somewhere in the code. You can even do this:

Code Explanation
int[] array;
if (a < 10)
   array = new int[10];
   array = new int[20];
Create an array variable whose type is int[]
If the a variable is less than 10,
then create an array of 10 elements.
create an array of 20 elements

And now what else can you do with such an array? How do you know how many elements are in it?

To help with this, arrays have a special property (variable) named length. You can find the length of an array using this expression:


Here array is the array variable's name and length is the name of the array's property. The value of the length property cannot be changed: the length property itself can be assigned to other variables, but nothing can be assigned to it (if you try to do this, the program simply will not compile).

We can continue with the previous example like this:

Code Explanation
int[] array;
if (a < 10)
   array = new int[10];
   array = new int[20];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
Create an array variable whose type is int[]
If the a variable is less than 10,
then create an array of 10 elements.
create an array of 20 elements
Loop over all the elements of the array: from 0 to length array.length - 1

4. Summary of facts about arrays in Java

Let's recap what we know about arrays:

Fact 1. An array consists of many cells.

Fact 2. You access a specific cell by using its number (index).

Fact 3. All cells are of the same type.

Fact 4. The initial value of all cells is 0 (if the cells store numbers), null (if the cells store object references), or false (if the cells store boolean values). You will learn more about default values in this chapter.

Fact 5. String[] list is just the declaration of a variable. This does not create the container (array object) itself. To use the variable, you need to first create an array (container) and assign it to the variable. See the example below.

Fact 6. When we create an array object (container), we must indicate how large it is, i.e. how many cells it contains. This is done with a statement like: new TypeName[n];

Fact 7. The length of an array can be found using the .length property.

Fact 8. After creating an array, you cannot change the type of its elements or the number of elements that it stores.

Code Explanation
String s;
String[] list;
s is null
list is null
list = new String[10];
int n = list.length;
The list variable stores a reference to an object: a string array consisting of 10 elements.
n is 10
list = new String[0];

Now list refers to an array of 0 elements. The array exists, but it can't store any elements.

list = null;
An exception (program error) will be thrown, i.e. the program will crash. list stores a reference to null
list = new String[10];
An array-out-of-bounds exception (program error) will be generated.
If a list stores 10 elements/cells, then the valid indices are: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 elements.

Comments (14)
haalk3n Level 6, Romania
15 February 2024
Garbage last excercise. Here's my solution and it prints the exact result but won't take it. public static void main(String[] args) { //write your code here int combinedLength = firstArray.length + secondArray.length; resultArray = new int[combinedLength]; for (int j = 0; j < resultArray.length; j++) { if (j < 10) { resultArray[j] = firstArray[j]; } else { resultArray[j] = secondArray[j - 10]; } } for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.length; i++) { System.out.print(resultArray[i] + ", "); } } }
19 February 2024
Yes your code looks good, I guess it forces you to use the ".length" instead of "10"s (in case using on different arrays). And you could skip making combinedLength variable, just make the add in between the resultArray = new int[here] (and you shouldn't use "j" just "i" for both "for" because they are not nested (but I don't think this makes it wrong))
Knightrider Level 12, London, United Kingdom
3 January 2025
i initially had the same answer as you, it didn't take the answer due to the trailing common after 19. your code produces "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19," where it needs to produce "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19" . this is mine and it worked - public static void main(String[] args) { //write your code here resultArray = new int[firstArray.length + secondArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < firstArray.length; i++) { resultArray[i] = firstArray[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < secondArray.length; i++) { resultArray[i + firstArray.length] = secondArray[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.length; i++) { if(i < resultArray.length - 1){ System.out.print(resultArray[i] + ", "); } else { System.out.print(resultArray[i]); } } }
Campbell, Jackson Level 12, Corona, USA
10 October 2023
Actually Light
Acuna, Landon Level 6, United States of America, USA
2 December 2023
So real!
Zac Level 17, Austin, United States
28 May 2023
I appreciate this lesson, and the correct answer absolutely makes sense :) I do think that it would be good to build in the suggestion, when the program doesn't run, that the student should make sure they're using best practices in terms of portability and flexibility here. It looks like the challenge most students are facing on this one is that they used primitives when they should have used reference variables. That's a hard error to catch, because it isn't an "error" -- just suboptimal practice.
Anonymous #11270891 Level 16, United States of America, United States
9 May 2023
The instructions are crap! I ran my solution through debug and it came out exactly as it was supposed to but I still kept getting "Implement the main(String[]) method in accordance with the task conditions.". Maybe you should explain the conditions a little better?!
Devendra Gowd Level 6, Anantapur, India
12 January 2023
In the example of array.length (3 rd topic) 'a' is not declared and initialized.. Thats error... i've created variable 'a' of type int . and initialized to read number from keyboard .
Abe Level 13, los angeles, United States
19 January 2023
I have been wondering how to initialize to read number or string from keyboard? appreciate the help
Parsa Level 78, Bangalore, India Expert
14 October 2023
It's just a snippet. It assumes a has been declared and initialized before reaching that point.
Anonymous #11149234 Level 6, United States of America, United States
12 November 2022
it wasnt easy!!
Anonymous #11008702 Level 27, Lewisburg, United States
16 June 2022
Almost identical to the given solution, but will not accept valid answer. WTF? Reason given: Implement the main(String[]) method in accordance with the task conditions. resultArray = new int[firstArray.length + secondArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < firstArray.length; i++) { resultArray[i] = firstArray[i]; resultArray[i + firstArray.length] = secondArray[i]; }
Julio Cardenas Level 12, Mexico
31 August 2022
I had the same problem, but I realized that the code should work with arrays of different lengths in the validation, so you need to do one for loop for the first array, and then, another one for the second array adding the length of the first, this way will work on different scenarios.
Richard Loera Level 6, France, France
30 November 2023
Gracias, carnal. Tu respuesta me ayudo mucho.