CodeGym /Java Course /New Java Syntax /Working with strings in Java

Working with strings in Java

New Java Syntax
Level 9 , Lesson 5

A lecture snippet with a mentor as part of the Codegym University course. Sign up for the full course.

1 Comparing strings

One of the most common operations with strings is comparison. The String class has over ten different methods that are used to compare one string with another string. Below we will take a look at 8 of the main ones.

Methods Description
boolean equals(String str)
Strings are considered equal if all of their characters match.
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
Compares strings, ignoring the case of letters (ignores whether they are uppercase or lowercase)
int compareTo(String str)
Compares strings, returns the number of matching characters from the beginning of the string.
public int compareToIgnoreCase(String str)
Returns the number of matching characters from the beginning of a string, ignores case
boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String str, int offset, int len)
Compares parts of strings
boolean startsWith(String prefix)
Checks whether the current string starts with the string prefix
boolean endsWith(String suffix)
Checks whether the current string ends with the string suffix

Let's say you want to write a program that asks the user for a path to a file and then checks the file type based on its extension. The code of such a program might look something like this:

Code Notes
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
String path = console.nextLine();

if (path.endsWith(".jpg") || path.endsWith(".jpeg"))
   System.out.println("This is a jpeg!");
else if (path.endsWith(".htm") || path.endsWith(".html"))
   System.out.println("This is an HTML page");
else if (path.endsWith(".doc") || path.endsWith(".docx"))
   System.out.println("This is a Word document");
   System.out.println("Unknown format");
Create a Scanner object
Read a line from the console

Check whether the string path ends with the given string

New Java Syntax, level 9, lesson 5
URL validation
In this task, you need to perform URL validation. A simple URL scheme looks like this: ://. The checkProtocol(String) method checks the network protocol (http or https) of the URL passed in input parameter and returns the result of this check — the name of the network protocol as a string. And the

2 Searching for substrings

After comparing strings, the second most popular operation is finding one string inside another. The String class also has a few methods for this:

Methods Description
int indexOf(String str)
Searches for the string str in the current string. Returns the index of the first character of the first occurrence.
int indexOf(String str, int index)
Searches for the string str in the current string, skipping the first index characters. Returns the index of the occurrence.
int lastIndexOf(String str)
Searches for the string str in the current string, starting from the end. Returns the index of the first occurrence.
int lastIndexOf(String str, int index)
Searches for the string str in the current string from the end, skipping the first index characters.
boolean matches(String regex)
Checks whether the current string matches a pattern specified by a regular expression.

The indexOf(String) and indexOf(String, index) methods are often used in combination. The first method lets you find the first occurrence of the passed substring in the current string. And the second method lets you find the second, third, etc. occurrences by skipping the first index characters.

Suppose we have a url like "", and we want to replace the domain name with "". Urls can have all sorts of different domain names, but we know the following:

  • The domain name is preceded by two forward slashes — "//"
  • The domain name is followed by a single foward slash — "/"

Here's what the code for such a program would look like:

Code Notes
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
String path = console.nextLine();

int index = path.indexOf("//");
int index2 = path.indexOf("/", index + 2);

String first = path.substring(0, index + 2);
String last = path.substring(index2);

String result = first + "" + last;
Create a Scanner object
Read a line from the console

Get the index of the first occurrence of the string "//"
We get the index of the first occurrence of the string /, but look only after an occurrence of the characters //.
We get the string from the beginning to the end of the characters //
We get the string from / to the end.

We concatenate the strings and the new domain.

The lastIndexOf(String) and lastIndexOf(String, index) methods work the same way, only the search is performed from the end of the string to the beginning.

New Java Syntax, level 9, lesson 5
Searching in a string
The getIndexOfFirstWord(String, String) method and the getIndexOfLastWord(String, String) method both accept a string and a word. The getIndexOfFirstWord(String, String) method needs to return the index of the first character of the first instance of the word (the second method parameter) in the st

3 Creating substrings

A lecture snippet with a mentor as part of the Codegym University course. Sign up for the full course.

In addition to comparing strings and finding substrings, there is another very popular action: getting a substring from a string. As it happens, the previous example showed you a substring() method call that returned part of a string.

Here is a list of 8 methods that return substrings from the current string:

Methods Description
String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
Returns the substring specified by the index range beginIndex..endIndex.
String repeat(int count)
Repeats the current string n times
String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
Returns a new string: replaces the character oldChar with the character newChar
String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
Replaces the first substring, specified by a regular expression, in the current string.
public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
Replaces all substrings in the current string that match the regular expression.
String toLowerCase()
Converts the string to lowercase
String toUpperCase()
Converts the string to uppercase
String trim()
Removes all spaces at the beginning and end of a string

Here is a summary of the available methods:

substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) method

The substring method returns a new string that consists of characters in the current string, starting at the character with index beginIndex and ending at endIndex. As with all intervals in Java, the character with index endIndex is not included in the interval. Examples:

Code Result
"Hellos".substring(0, 3);
"Hellos".substring(1, 4);
"Hellos".substring(1, 6);

If the endIndex parameter is not specified (which is possible), then the substring is taken from character at beginIndex to the end of the string.

repeat(int n) method

The repeat method simply repeats the current string n times. Example:

Code Result

replace(char oldChar, char newChar) method

The replace() method returns a new string in which all characters oldChar are replaced with the character newChar. This does not change the length of the string. Example:

Code Result
"Programming".replace('Z', 'z');
"Programming".replace('g', 'd');
"Programming".replace('a', 'e');
"Programming".replace('m', 'w');

replaceFirst() and replaceAll() methods

The replaceAll() method replaces all occurrences of one substring with another. The replaceFirst() method replaces the first occurrence of the passed substring with the specified substring. The string to be replaced is specified by a regular expression. We will delve into regular expressions in the Java Multithreading quest.


Code Result
"Good news everyone!".replaceAll("e.", "EX");
"Good nEXs EXEXyonEX"
"Good news everyone!".replaceAll("o.", "-o-");
"G-o-d news every-o-e!"
"Good news everyone!".replaceFirst("e.", "EX");
"Good nEXs everyone!"
"Good news everyone!".replaceFirst("o.", "-o-");
"G-o-d news everyone!"

toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods

We got to know these methods when we first learned about calling the methods of the String class.

trim() method

The trim() method removes leading and trailing spaces from a string. Does not touch spaces that are inside a string (i.e. not at the beginning or end). Examples:

Code Result
"     ".trim();
" Hello\n how are you?\n   ".trim();
"Hello\n how are you?\n"
"  Password\n   \n ".trim();
"Password\n   \n"

New Java Syntax, level 9, lesson 5
Path update
Implement the changePath(String, String) method so that it replaces the jdk version in the path passed in the first method parameter with the version passed in the second parameter, and returns the new path. The JDK version starts with "jdk" and ends at "/". Example: path - "/usr/java/jdk1.8/bin" J
Comments (7)
Anonymous #10853261 Level 21, United States
21 November 2021
Why isn't 'path.replaceFirst("jdk.*/", jdk+"/")' an accepted solution on the Path Update solution? Did i miss something?
whoseunassailable Level 28, India, India
18 January 2022
i used the replaceAll method and that worked easily as well.
Jonaskinny Level 25, Redondo Beach, United States
9 February 2022
I too used path.replaceFirst() and don't know why it would not be accepted given it was taught in the same lesson.
AfEi Level 19
3 April 2022
path.replaceFirst("jdk.+?/", jdk + "/") works.
Spydrow Level 14, Germany, Germany
23 April 2022
wow you put in 1 line of code where I needed 5. What does the ".+?/" do? Check for the part that includes jdk and ends with / and then replaces it with the jdk String (in this case jdk-13) and adds a "/"? Can ".+?" be used for all string/substring searches and comparisons?
AfEi Level 19
27 April 2022
It's regular expression. You can get more info from here: Regular expressions in Java
catalin1989 Level 37, Romania
8 September 2023
I think it is not an accepted solution because it works only in the current task. You can't apply it to other versions. Try with substrings, and replace with the given parameter. I did it and it worked.