1. Inner classes
You recently learned that there are static variables and static methods. It turns out that there are also static classes. But we'll approach this topic from a distance.
In Java, you are entirely allowed to declare classes within classes. And even classes within classes that are within classes within classes. It all looks very simple:
class OuterClass
variables of the class
methods of the class
class NestedClass
variables of the class
methods of the class
We just declare one class inside another. As simple as that.
public class Solution
static ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
public static void main(String[] args)
Point point = new Point();
point.x = 100;
point.y = 200;
static class Point
int x;
int y;
Nested classes can be static or non-static. Static nested classes are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes (inner classes).
2. Static classes
Static nested classes can be used outside of their outer class. If such a class has the public access modifier, then it can be used anywhere in the program. Such classes are almost indistinguishable from any ordinary class. But there are a couple of differences.
Class name
If you want to refer to a static nested class from somewhere other than its outer class, you need to specify the class name, which consists of the name of the outer class and the name of the nested class. Here's the general appearance of this name:
Outer class | Nested class | Full name of the nested class |
If a nested class has its own nested class, their names are simply joined using a dot.
A typical example of a nested class in the JDK is the Entry
class inside of Map
class. If you want to get the set of key-value pairs stored in a HashMap
object, then use the entrySet()
method, which returns a Set<Map.Entry>
Note that Map.Entry
is an example of an outer class and a nested class.
Creating an object
It's very easy to create an object of a static nested class. This is how it looks:
OuterClass.NestedClass name = new OuterClass.NestedClass();
It's all the same as with ordinary classes, but the name consists of two parts.
Calling static methods
If a static class has static methods, you can access them in the same way as the static methods of ordinary classes (but the class name will consist of two parts).
Accessing static variables
Accessing the public static variables of a nested class is easy too:
3. Features of static classes
Static nested classes have the least reason to be called static. They behave just like regular classes. There are no restrictions on accessing them from non-static methods.
If you're working with a static nested class inside its outer class, you won't notice any difference from the most ordinary (not nested and not static) class.
Static nested Point class | Ordinary Point class. |
If you take some static nested class and move it out of its outer class, the only thing that will change is that the new class will no longer be able to access the private static
variables and methods of its former outer class.
Static nested Point class | Ordinary Point class. |
The main
method in the ordinary Point
class cannot access the private static
variable of the Solution
This is the main difference between a static nested class and an ordinary class. Methods of a static nested class can access all the static variables and methods of their outer class, even if they are declared private
And if you think about it, why should that be surprising? The private
modifier explicitly says that the variables and methods marked by this modifier can only be accessed from within their class. Is a static nested class inside its outer class? Yes, so no problem! Access them as much as you want.