CodeGym/Courses/New Java Syntax/Popular mistakes made by novice programmers

Popular mistakes made by novice programmers


"Hi, Amigo! Let's continue to talk about mistakes. This time, we'll explore mistakes that the compiler will not always help you with. Pay attention and you'll learn something about yourself."

"I'm ready to listen, Diego. I hope this won't be too embarrassing for me."

Comparing objects with ==

"Our list of top favorite newbie programmer mistakes begins with comparing objects (especially strings) using the == operator"


Scanner console = new Scanner(;
String s1 = console.nextLine();
String s2 = console.nextLine();
if (s1 == s2)
   System.out.println("The strings are equal");

"I've done that quite often. Now I can clearly see that this code will never display "The strings are equal", because the if statement compares references to two different string objects."

"Yes. That's why the correct option would be:

Scanner console = new Scanner(;
String s1 = console.nextLine();
String s2 = console.nextLine();
if (s1.equals(s2))
   System.out.println("The strings are equal");
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
There are various kinds of apples
Fix a mistake in the code so that the program displays the phrase: "The phones are the same".

Changing a String object

"Newbie programmers often forget that all objects of the class are immutable, and that every method of the String class returns a new object — the current object never changes."

"It wasn't that long ago that I learned what immutable means, but I think I've done this.

"I'm fairly certain of it. Example:

String s = "Hello";
s.toUpperCase (); // Convert to uppercase

"This code is very similar to correct code, but it won't work as expected. The toUpperCase() method does not change the object on which it is called. The correct code would look like this:

String s = "Hello";
String result = s.toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase

"Exactly. I've done that, but I didn't even really understand what was wrong. Thank you for the clarification!"

New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Every letter is lowercase
The program should read a string from the console and display it in all lowercase letters. Fix a mistake in the code, so that the program works correctly.

Forgetting to initialize objects that are elements of an array

"Another common mistake is to forget to initialize an array variable. Example:

int[] array;
array[0] = 1;
array[0] = 2;

"This code won't work: you need to explicitly set the array variable equal to a reference to the container object that will store the elements of the array. Correct version:

int[] array = new int[10];
array[0] = 1;
array[0] = 2;
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Forgotten initialization
In this program, an array is filled with the numbers from 0 to 9 and displayed on the screen: But thanks to an error, the program doesn't compile. Make the program compile and work correctly.

Using a local variable instead of an instance variable.

"Newbies don't like to come up with long and meaningful names for variables."

"That's so true. For get things done quickly, I sometimes give variables names like a, b, and i."

"Don't do that. That's a cruel thing to do when the code has several variables like that:

Put the number 99 into 100 cells of an array
class Solution
  public static int a = 99;
  public static int i = 100;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    int[] a = new int[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      a[i] = a;

"It's much more difficult to make mistakes in code with proper names. The correct version looks like this:

Put the number 99 into 100 cells of an array
class Solution
   public static int value = 99;
   public static int count = 100;

   public static void main(String[] args)
      int[] a = new int[count];
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         a[i] = value;
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Instance field shadowing
The main method calls the add method, which should increase the value of the salary field of the Solution class by the passed value, but we get 0 when we output the salary field. Make the program work correctly.

Removing a collection item

"Have you already looked into collections?"

"Literally with just one eye."

"If you don't know what I'm talking about, then make a note to yourself to take a look in the future. Very often there are situations when a certain element needs to be removed from a collection. The code looks roughly like this:

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Collections.addAll(list, 0, -5, -7, -12, 5, 15);

for (Integer value: list)
   if (value < 0)

"This code will not work, because you cannot use a for-each loop to simultaneously traverse the elements of a collection and modify that collection.

"There are several solutions. First, you can go traverse one collection and change another:

Solution 1
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Collections.addAll(list, 0, -5, -7, -12, 5, 15);

ArrayList<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<Integer>(list);
for (Integer value: copy)
   if (value < 0)

"Second, since Java 8, collections have a removeIf() method, to which you can pass a rule (lambda function) that indicates which elements to remove. Example:

Solution 2
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Collections.addAll(list, 0, -5, -7, -12, 5, 15);

list.removeIf( x-> x<0 );
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Feel like a university dean
We have a student group at a university and a method that should remove a specific student from the group, but for some reason it doesn't work. Your task is to find the error and fix it so that the exclude method does actually remove the student.

Placing several classes with the public modifier into a single file

"There can be only one public class in a file. More classes can be declared in a file, but they must either be inner classes of a public class, or not have the public modifier. Example:

Contents of the file Note
public class Solution
public class Main
This is not allowed: two public classes in a single file.
public class Solution
class Main
But you can do this. The Main class is not public
public class Solution
  public static class Main
And you can do this. The Main class is a nested class
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
MacCoffee 3 in 1
We have a set of classes for making 3-in-1 coffee, but for some reason the coffee won't brew — the task does not compile at present. Find and fix one mistake in the code.

Calling ordinary (non-static) methods of a class from the static main() method

"Sometimes newbie programmers try to access non-static variables and methods from the main() method or other static methods. Such code will not work, of course.

public class Solution
   public int n = 100;
   public int[] createArray()
      return new int[n];

   public static void main(String[]args)
      int[] array = createArray();

"The main method can only refer to static methods/variables. Well, or it must first create an instance of the Solution class, and only then call non-static methods of that object. Example:

Solution 1 Solution 2
public class Solution
  public static int n = 100;

  public static int[] createArray()
    return new int[n];

  public static void main(String[]args)
    int[] array = createArray();
public class Solution
  public int n = 100;

  public int[] createArray()
    return new int[n];

  public static void main(String[]args)
    Solution sol = new Solution();
    int[] array = sol.createArray();
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Making a list of students
The main method should add two students to an array and then display on the console using the printStudents method. Make corrections in the main method so that the program works.

Declaring a constructor like a method

"Another common mistake is incorrectly declaring a class constructor. The name of a constructor must be the same as the name of the class, and a constructor has no result type. The most common mistakes look like this:

public class Person
   private String value;

   void Person(String value)
      this.value = value;
There shouldn't be a return type here
public class Person
   private String value;

   constructor(String value)
      this.value = value;
The constructor name is invalid. It must match the class name
public class Person
   private String value;

   Person(String value)
      value = value;
this is missing. The value variable will be assigned to itself
public class Person
   private String value;

   Person(String value)
      this.value = value;
That is all correct.
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
The main method of the Solution class creates an instance of the Student class with a specific name, but the program does not compile. You need to fix an error in the Student class to allow the program to compile and display the student's name on the console when it runs.

Incorrect inheritance of interfaces

"Java's creators tried to make it very close to English, so they chose different keywords for certain related concepts.

When a class inherits a class, you have to use the extends keyword:

class Pet

class Cat extends Pet

"When a class inherits an interface, or, more precisely, implements it, you need to use the implements keyword:

interface Meow

class Cat implements Meow

"When an interface inherits an interface, use the extends keyword:

interface Meow

interface Voice extends Meov
New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
An inherited phone
The extends and implements keywords must be correctly positioned in the provided classes to allow the program to compile.

Omitting break in a switch statement

"And the last mistake for today, but not the last one for beginners, is failing to include a break statement in a switch statement. Example:

Wrong Right
LocalDate date =;
DayOfWeek day = date.getDayOfWeek();
switch (day)
   case MONDAY:
   case TUESDAY:
   case WEDNESDAY:
   case THURSDAY:
   case FRIDAY:
   case SATURDAY:
   case SUNDAY:
LocalDate date =;
DayOfWeek day = date.getDayOfWeek();
switch (day)
   case MONDAY:
   case TUESDAY:
   case WEDNESDAY:
   case THURSDAY:
   case FRIDAY:
   case SATURDAY:
   case SUNDAY:

"You know, Diego... Judging by the set of errors you presented here, it feels like you've been reading my personal journal... Or you've been watching me solve tasks."

"Ha! Have no doubt about it. I have read, tracked, and continue to do so. So be on the alert!"


"Don't you worry. I'm just kidding. Be vigilant and make fewer stupid mistakes."

New Java Syntax,  level 11lesson 6
Digits as text
The program converts digits to text. The Solution class has a static digitToText(char) method, which returns the textual representation of digits. In the main method, a number is translated into a textual representation, but only "nine nine ..." is displayed. Add the required number of break stateme
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Fadhil Radhian Software Engineer at Accenture
24 March 2023, 09:11
amazing compilation. This would really help a beginner!
Anonymous #10887977
Level 14 , Chicago, United States
17 February 2022, 19:30
For the correct version of the "Put the number 99 into 100 cells of an array" example, I believe the for loop should iterate while i < count. Not 10.
Aldo Luna Bueno
Level 1 , Peru
12 February 2022, 00:00
It feels good to see that I have already overcome them all thanks to this website. Let's move on.
Level 27 , United Kingdom
26 January 2022, 16:29
Admin: The task for interfaces and inheritance should come after the example/theory text.;
Jonaskinny Java Developer at Sandmedia
12 February 2022, 21:15
or at a minimum not have room for ambiguity