CodeGym /Java Course /Java Syntax Zero /Working with ArrayList

Working with ArrayList

Java Syntax Zero
Level 13 , Lesson 4

1. How ArrayList is structured

ArrayList is the Java class used most commonly for storing elements. So how does ArrayList work and why does everyone like it so much?

The structure of ArrayList is simple and ingenious. Each ArrayList object contains two fields:

  • An array of elements
  • A size variable, which stores the number of elements in the list

Internally, an ArrayList object contains a most ordinary array! But that's not all. There is also a size variable, which stores the length of the list. This is how it works:

Initially, the length of the array inside the list is 10. And the size variable is 0.

If you add an element to the list, it will be stored in the 0th cell of the array, and size will increase to 1.

If you add one more element, it will be stored in the 1st cell, and size will again increase by 1 and become equal to two.

If you add another element when there is no more space in the array, then the following happens in the add() method:

  1. A new array is created that is one and a half times the length of the previous one
  2. All the elements of the old array are copied into the new array.
  3. In the ArrayList object, a reference to the new array replaces the reference to the old one.
  4. The passed element is saved in the 10th cell of the new array.
  5. The size variable increases by 1 and will now equal 11

Something similar happens when adding (inserting) an element in the middle of the list. The existing elements are shifted by 1 to the right, and the passed element is written to the newly freed cell of the array.

Now we'll consider the most basic scenarios involving lists:

2. Adding an element to an ArrayList

Let's take a look at what happens inside the list when elements are added to it. Immediately after an ArrayList object is created, we have something like this in memory:

Adding an element to an ArrayList

We have an ArrayList object that contains two fields (two variables): a container (the data array) and the number of stored elements (size). The data variable stores a reference to a container (array) that can store 10 elements.

If we decide to add the number 5 to the array, we get the following picture:

Adding an element to an ArrayList 2

The array now stores the element 5, and size == 1.

If someone calls the size() method on our ArrayList object now, the return value will be the number of elements stored in the list: 1. The number of elements in the list is not the same as the storage capacity of the array.

Neither the current storage capacity nor the array itself will ever be accessible (visible) outside the ArrayList object. This is and always will be the ArrayList's internal data.

Let's add 7 more numbers to the list: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Now memory will look like this:

Adding an element to an ArrayList

If you call the size() method now, it will return the number 8, which is the new number of elements in the list. This value has nothing to do with the size of the internal array.


There is one oversimplification in this picture.

The ArrayList class can't store primitive types, so it uses the Integer type rather than int. The container does not directly store the values {5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70}, but rather references to Integer objects. All the empty cells in the container store null.

3. Increasing the length of a list

Let's take a look at what happens inside a list when there are no more empty cells in its internal array.

Suppose we have a list of 10 elements:

Increasing the length of a list

We decide to add the number 100 to it. This is what happens in the add() method:

Step 1 — Create a new array:

Increasing the length of a list 2

Step 2 — Copy all elements from the old array to the new one:

Increasing the length of a list 2

Step 3 — Replace the old array (change the reference to the ArrayList object's internal array):

Increasing the length of a list 3

Step 4 — Add the new number, which is what we worked so hard to accomplish:

Increasing the length of a list 4

Comments (7)
Abdul Alhazred Level 32, Minsk, Belarus
8 June 2024
Campbell, Jackson Level 12, Corona, USA
11 December 2023
Pretty good ngl
Gandhar K Level 37, India Expert
17 October 2023
In dept and precise.
Abhishek Tripathi Level 72, Rewa, India Expert
14 July 2023
Best explanation of ArrayList
Zac Level 17, Austin, United States
9 June 2023
Great lesson :)
Chrizzly Level 12, Earth, Germany
1 January 2023
Well-structured, well done! 😁
matemate123 Level 50, Kraków, Poland
15 November 2022
I love you CG, for my brain development. (Sometimes I hate you)