CodeGym /Courses /Java Collections /Tasks | Level 1 | Lesson 10

Tasks | Level 1 | Lesson 10

Java Collections
Level 1 , Lesson 10

"Hi, Amigo! Here, take these interesting tasks. You can only complete these tasks in Intellij IDEA."

Java Collections, level 1, lesson 10
Unzipping a file
The main method accepts a list of arguments. The first argument, resultFileName, is the name of the resulting file. The remaining arguments are the names of files for fileNamePart. Each fileNamePart file is a part of a zip file. You need to unzip the entire file by assembling it from its parts.
Java Collections, level 1, lesson 10
Reading config files
Implement the getProperties method, which must read the properties from the passed fileName file. fileName can have any extension, e.g. XML, any other extension, or none at all. You need to ensure the properties are read properly. If errors occur, a null object must be returned.
Comments (13)
ugabuga Level 35
1 January 2024
Again a task of which I don't even understand the conditions even after reading them numerous times... Also, the task has nothing to do with properties. How are we supposed to solve these tasks?? Just frustrating.
Hubert Matlak Level 34, Poland, Poland
22 March 2023
How's the first task related to properties?
Максим Василенко Level 44, Kiev, Ukraine
10 March 2023
second task. Why they create a huge method if you can just call endsWith() method?
Justin Smith Level 41, Greenfield, USA, United States
13 August 2022
The second one is a good task but the official solution is not very good. They make it much more complicated than it needs to be. You do not need File.separator. Just use String.endsWith to check if it is an XML file. My solution passed using 6 fewer lines than the official solution.
Justin Smith Level 41, Greenfield, USA, United States
10 August 2022
Why is the Hard one worth less for completing than the Medium one? 😂
ジョーンズJ Level 47, United States
21 January 2022
TheLordJackMC Level 39, Princeton, idk somewhere
6 August 2021
i cant do the secodn task becsue i cant download anything on this compjuter
Anthony Mack Level 24, Waukesha, United States
18 January 2021
I wouldn't call that second task 'easy' by any stretch of the imagination.
Nouser Level 36, Germany
16 January 2021
To say the second task is easy is a slight understatement.
Juan Ma Level 41, Arauca, Colombia
16 May 2020
Another approach for second task is using ByteArrayOutputStream() and later ByteArrayInputStream(...)