CodeGym/Courses/Java Multithreading/Practice using String.format

Practice using String.format

Practice using String.format - 1

"Hi, Amigo!"

"No, Diego, that's enough! Do your own tasks!"

"Amigo, buddy. No one is going to do your tasks for you. Do you want to get smarter?"


"When you're at the gym, you don't ask others to pump iron or do crunches for you, do you?"


"Then you should also do all this work by yourself. I've got some very interesting tasks for you this time:"

Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 7
String formatting
Correct the getFormattedString method so that it returns a string with format specifiers. Don't use \n to convert carriage returns. The output should be: 20 / 7 = 2.86 Exp = 3.33e+00
Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 7
I LOVE CodeGym!
Correct the getFormattedString method so that it returns a string with format specifiers. The parameters must be swapped. The output should be: I LOVE CodeGym!
Java Multithreading,  level 2lesson 7
Date formatting
Correct the getFormattedString method so that it returns a string with format specifiers. The output should be something like this: 04:05:18 09:09:09 (month:day:year hours:minutes:seconds)
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Level 50 , Kraków, Poland
8 March 2023, 16:07 This guy is helpful when you lost in documentation, but I prefer use documentation like a map for looking for adequate letter. If you watch carefully, you'll find information needed for overcome conditions in tasks. Great guide.
Level 41
30 March 2021, 08:44
Man, I started with the easy ones, bashed my head against my keyboard for not knowing, searched the internet, looked at the help section, used the mentor solution and then, at the Medium difficulty one, I did it by myself from the first try. Looks like something stuck to me after all lol
Ruslan Skaldin Java Developer
25 January 2021, 09:30
For String formatting very useful would be official Java docs:
Level 32 , Marrakech, Morocco
19 March 2020, 20:40
I hope you'll find those ressources useful :
Level 37
5 July 2020, 16:19
I'd like to add this one too...
Jeanine Kimball
Level 26 , New London, United States
19 August 2020, 19:15
I should have looked here before searching the internet.
Level 41 , Crefeld, Germany
15 January 2020, 22:32
I'd say the "Link to additional material" from the previous lesson came in quite handy here. :-)
19 December 2019, 11:09
24 hours worked for me
Hossein Shams
Level 1 , Atlanta, United States
24 October 2019, 15:15
On the last task, hour is based on 12 hours time not military 24 hours
Ewerton Backend Developer
10 July 2019, 21:02
Nice trick to learn :)