CodeGym /Java Course /Java Multithreading /Learning to google | Level 6 | Lesson 11

Learning to google | Level 6 | Lesson 11

Java Multithreading
Level 6 , Lesson 11
Learning to google | Level 6 | Lesson 11 - 1

"Hi, Amigo!"

"Let's continue our lessons on how to google."

"Here are some exercises:"

  Web search exercises:
1 What methods does the Collections class have?
2 What methods does the Arrays class have?
3 What do we call the sorting that happens when Collections.sort() is called?
4 What's a mutex?
5 What's a monitor?
6 What atomic types are there?
7 What classes are there in the concurrent package?
8 What's a "happens-before" relationship?
9 What's a «barrier» in the concurrent package?
10 Google 5 different classes from the concurrent package.
Comments (10)
WIDMO Level 25, Gdańsk, Poland Expert
22 July 2020
Aren't we supposed to do that alone?
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
First a new instance of a CyclicBarriers is created specifying the number of threads that the barriers should wait upon.
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
A happens-before relationship between two program statements is sort a guarantee which ensures that any memory writes by one statement are visible to another statement.
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
Java BlockingQueue Java ArrayBlockingQueue Java DelayQueue Java LinkedBlockingQueue Java PriorityBlockingQueue Java SynchronousQueue Java BlockingDeque Java LinkedBlockingDeque Java ConcurrentMap Java ConcurrentNavigableMap Java CountDownLatch Java CyclicBarrier Java Exchanger Java Semaphore Java ExecutorService Java Callable Java Future Java ThreadPoolExecutor Java ScheduledExecutorService Java ForkJoinPool Java Lock Java ReadWriteLock Java AtomicInteger Java AtomicLong Java AtomicReference Java AtomicStampedReference Java AtomicIntegerArray Java AtomicLongArray Java AtomicReferenceArray
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
This is an integer data type. Objects of this type are always accessed atomically.
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
Monitor is a synchronization construct that allows threads to have both mutual exclusion (using locks) and cooperation i.e. the ability to make threads wait for certain condition to be true (using wait-set).
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
is a program object that allows multiple program threads to share the same resource, such as file access, but not simultaneously.
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
is called internal and external sorting .
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
2.only static methods and the methods of Object class. The methods of this class can be used by the class name itself.
KIN SOCHEAT Level 34, Phnom Penh, Cambogia
29 June 2020
1.the static methods that operate on Collections