- Commands and the first Python program
- Introduction to types and keyboard input
- Python IDE
- Loops
- Data types in Python
- Functions in Python
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Strings
- Dictionaries
- Git and GitHub
- Higher-order functions
- Decorators and libraries
- Classes and objects, part 1
- Classes and objects, part 2
- Errors and exceptions
- Debugging and exception handling
- Modules and packages
- Standard errors
- Working with files and directories
- Serialization
- JSON and networking basics
- Proxy, sockets, and email
- Asynchronous Python, part 1
- Asynchronous Python, part 2
- Basics of Excel data processing using Python
- Organizing and analyzing data
- Basics of HTML for web scraping
- Basics of CSS for web scraping
- Web scraping with BeautifulSoup
- Extracting texts and attributes using BeautifulSoup
- Advanced web scraping methods
- Working with dynamic content
- Introduction to Selenium
- Forms handling in Selenium
- Selenium bot project
- Script optimization in Selenium
- Date and time handling for task automation
- Using the schedule library
- Data visualization with Matplotlib
- Data visualization with Plotly
- Automating PDF handling
- Text document processing
- Image processing with Pillow
- Automating image processing
- Video processing with MoviePy
- Creating video effects
- GUI basics with Tkinter
- GUI development for data automation
- Algorithms and data structures, part 1
- Algorithms and data structures, part 2
- Search algorithms and hashing, part 1
- Search algorithms and hashing, part 2
- Recursion and sorting, part 1
- Recursion and sorting, part 2
- Trees and graphs, part 1
- Trees and graphs, part 2
- Dynamic programming, part 1
- Dynamic programming, part 2
- Algorithm complexity analysis, part 1
- Algorithm complexity analysis, part 2
- IT Industry and You
- Modern Development
And also:
- Instant task verification
- Virtual mentor
- IDE plugin
- WebIDE
- Gamification
- Motivational lectures