I din't find a place where I can post feature requests, so I will post it here.
Would be extremely useful to have a <spoiler> ... </spoiler> tag for comments. People post a lot of code in discussions, and many times it may ruin solving a certain exercise for someone. Commentaries contain a lot of useful hints and tips, but reading them while avoiding also reading code solutions is nearly impossible.
Agent Smith
Level 38
Feature request (spoiler tag)
Comments (2)
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Regina Support Team at CodeGym
11 August 2020, 10:00
All the comments get under moderation within a day. Thus, all the solutions or fragments of the solutions in the comments are to be cleared in a while.
Agent Smith
11 August 2020, 11:47
Good to know. But anyway, that simple feature would also help with moderation. This works very well on reddit, for example.