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How to Learn Anything Faster with AI’s Help

Published in the Random group
Today, AI can help us write letters and generate images. Moreover, it can become our coach or even give relationship advice. If so, why not use it to study faster and more efficiently? We've researched this topic and prepared a list of tips for you to implement AI tools in your learning experience right away! How to Learn Anything Faster with AI’s Help - 1

Begin Easier

Everyone knows the feeling when you must start learning but keep postponing it. For our brain, any new information or project is something unknown and, hence, dangerous. We know it's going to be difficult, we'll probably get stuck at some point and feel confusion or discomfort. That's why we procrastinate. However, AI can help us beat this avoidance and finally start learning. One of the primary steps in overcoming procrastination is setting small, realistic goals and expectations. So, let your first goal be "Ask AI several questions about the topic I need to learn."
For example, you want to study a new programming language. In this case, you may ask AI:
  • Why is this language popular?
  • Where is this language being used today?
  • What's the most exciting about it?
  • How would you recommend me to start learning it?
  • Can you teach me something about this language right now?
Not only will it break the ice and help you begin, but your motivation will increase, too.

Create a Personalized Learning Plan

It's common to feel overwhelmed when learning something: too many books, courses, online tutorials, and videos… Eventually, you'll need to focus on something specific, and it's better to consider your personal preferences (such as learning style, time available, etc.). AI can help you with it, too!
Even a free version of ChatGPT can generate a personalized learning plan for you. The more details you provide, the better. For example, I made a request like this:
"I want to learn Java. I prefer reading instead of watching. I mostly learn during the day, between tasks, because I have a flexible schedule. I'm quite busy, so I can't dedicate much time to it. But I want to learn the basics in 3 months. Can you create a personalized learning plan for me?"
In return, ChatGPT generated a 3-month plan with topics, suggested reading and practicing for every two weeks. Sure, it may not be a very elaborate plan, but it's a starting point.

Save Time by Learning On The Go

When we start learning something new, we often have multiple questions. For instance, we don't understand the terminology or need more detailed explanations than textbooks and videos provide. But if we get distracted by every unfamiliar term during our main study time, we risk losing focus and motivation. AI can help us solve this puzzle. For example, you can start learning in small chunks whenever you have spare time. Are you on a bus? Ask AI to explain several terms or topics you've stumbled upon earlier today (you may even keep notes to remember all the difficulties you've encountered).
Another trick of learning on the go is using voice commands. It may be convenient if you can't read now (say, you're in a store or just enjoying a walk). Although not all AI tools allow direct voice commands, you can still access them through virtual assistants or smart devices. For example, you can say: "Hey Alexa, ask ChatGPT what are the main features of Python?". Listening to Alexa's answers while you shop may be a great time-saver. Also, it makes sense to explore the AI market to find AI-based tools tailored to your request. For instance, for foreign language learners, there are AI-driven chatbots or virtual tutors that can practice conversations with you and provide feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

Get Feedback and Move Forward

For many people, having a coach or a mentor is a better way to learn than doing it alone. AI can also play this role for you. For example, you can ask AI to help you prepare for a job interview. You can ask AI:
  • What types of questions will I be asked during a job interview for a full-stack developer position?
  • What typical mistakes can I make at a job interview?
  • Can you ask me questions and assess my answers?
AI is always willing to help you practice, so, you can simulate a few interview questions. After you respond to them, it can provide feedback, give suggestions, and model answers. Almost like a human coach would do.
Speaking about assessments, AI can also be a good starting point in evaluating your current level. Even ChatGPT 3.5 can do a basic assessment. Just ask it, for example, "Can you assess my French level?" – and AI will suggest solving several tasks, like introducing yourself in French, counting from 1 to 20, or describing a typical day in your life with specific details. After you reply, it will assess your French skills and, if you want, give you recommendations for further learning.

Getting The Most Out Of It

As you can see, AI can really help optimize your studying. However, like with every other tool, you must know how to use it properly and communicate with AI to achieve the best possible result. So, we suggest several recommendations:
  • If you want a personalized approach, you must "feed" AI with as many details as possible. The more data it receives within your request, the more precise answer you'll get. For instance, if you'd like to prepare for an interview, tell AI more about the position and the company. If you want an individual recommendation on the following learning steps, ask it to measure your progress first.
  • Don't hesitate to ask AI to elaborate on a particular part of the information provided. Demand to rewrite answers after taking new information into account. Don't stop until you get the most value.
  • Stay mindful when using AI. It's okay to ask it for help, but sometimes your mind may use AI as a shortcut instead of actual learning. That's why it makes sense to ask yourself occasionally: why am I using AI now? Do I really benefit from its help, or do I want it to think for me?
  • Don't forget about traditional learning methods. After all, AI isn't perfect (at least, not yet) and can't replace specialized online platforms that provide exercises, auto-checks, etc. AI can be an excellent addition to your learning experience, though.
  • Don't let AI become another procrastination technique. If you catch yourself talking to AI instead of studying a new topic, remind yourself why you are learning what you are learning. What's your goal? How soon do you want to achieve it? Is talking to AI now helping you to get closer to your goal?
Many experts believe AI will inevitably change how people study and work. For example, one study discovered that 92% of U.S.-based developers already use AI coding tools both in and outside work. And 70% believe these tools will grant them an advantage. So, now is a great time to start using AI's features to learn and work more efficiently.