Today, we're going to explore a handy little operator that’s small in size but mighty in functionality: the Python "not equal" operator. If you’ve ever needed to check if two values are different, you’ll be glad to know that Python makes it simple and straightforward with this operator.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What the not equal operator is and when to use it
  • The syntax for using the not equal operator in Python
  • Examples in various scenarios to see it in action

Let’s dive in!

What is the Not Equal Operator?

The not equal operator in Python is used to compare two values and check if they’re different from each other. If the values are not the same, the operator returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

There are plenty of situations where this is useful! For example, you might use it to check if two numbers are different, if two strings don’t match, or even if an item is missing from a list. The not equal operator is perfect for comparisons where you’re interested in things that don’t match.

Python Not Equal Operator Syntax

In Python, there are two ways to write the not equal operator:

  • != (preferred and most commonly used)
  • <> (older syntax, mostly for compatibility)

The != symbol is widely used and is considered the standard for Python. The <> symbol was used in earlier versions of Python but is now mostly seen in legacy code. For modern code, always use !=.

Example of Not Equal Operator Syntax

Here’s a simple example of how to use the not equal operator:

x = 10
y = 20

# Check if x is not equal to y
print(x != y)  # Output: True

In this example, x and y have different values, so x != y returns True.

Examples of the Not Equal Operator in Python

Let’s go through some scenarios to get a feel for how the not equal operator works in real code. We’ll look at numbers, strings, and even lists!

Example 1: Using the Not Equal Operator with Numbers

a = 5
b = 10

# Check if a and b are not equal
if a != b:
    print("a and b are different!")
    print("a and b are the same.")

Since a and b have different values, this code prints "a and b are different!".

Example 2: Using the Not Equal Operator with Strings

name1 = "Alice"
name2 = "Bob"

# Check if the names are different
if name1 != name2:
    print("The names are not the same.")
    print("The names match!")

In this example, name1 and name2 don’t match, so the code will output "The names are not the same.".

Example 3: Using the Not Equal Operator in a Loop

The not equal operator can also be useful in loops, especially if you want to skip certain values.

# Skip the number 3 in a loop
for i in range(5):
    if i != 3:

This loop will print every number from 0 to 4, except for 3, because i != 3 skips it.

Example 4: Not Equal Operator with Lists

Sometimes, you may want to check if a certain item is not in a list. You can combine the not equal operator with other checks.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
fruit_to_check = "grape"

if fruit_to_check not in fruits:
    print(f"{fruit_to_check} is not in the list!")

In this example, "grape" is not in the fruits list, so the message "grape is not in the list!" is printed.

Common Questions About the Not Equal Operator

Q: Can I use the not equal operator to compare different data types?

A: Yes! Python allows you to compare values of different data types with !=. Just keep in mind that comparisons between different types will return True if the types don’t match.

print(10 != "10")  # Output: True

In this example, an integer is being compared to a string, so the result is True because they are different types.

Q: What’s the difference between != and not in?

A: Good question! While != checks if two individual values are different, not in is used to check if an element is not part of a sequence like a list, string, or tuple.

name = "Alice"
print(name != "Bob")  # Output: True

fruits = ["apple", "banana"]
print("cherry" not in fruits)  # Output: True

In this example, != checks if name is different from "Bob", while not in checks if "cherry" is not in the fruits list.


The not equal operator != is a powerful and versatile tool in Python. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Use != to check if two values are different.
  • The != operator returns True if the values are not equal and False if they are.
  • The not equal operator works with numbers, strings, lists, and even different data types.
  • Remember to use not in for checking if an element is missing from a list or sequence.

With practice, using != will feel like second nature, and you’ll find it handy in all kinds of coding tasks. Keep experimenting, and happy coding!