So, according to Console output, if array size is 20(even), it fills with :
Then if array size is 21(odd), it fills as
According to console output, my code met the requirement,
If array size is even, fill half of array with start value, half with end value;
if array size is odd, fill LARGER part of array with start value, and SMALLER with end value...
But my code can't pass the tests...
import java.util.Arrays;
Filling an array
public class Solution {
public static int[] array = new int[21];
public static int valueStart = 10;
public static int valueEnd = 13;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//write your code here
int startBorder;
if ((array.length % 2) == 0){
startBorder = array.length / 2;
startBorder = (int)(array.length * 0.8);
Arrays.fill(array, 0, startBorder, valueStart);
Arrays.fill(array, startBorder, array.length, valueEnd);