CodeGym /Java Course /Java Syntax Zero /Additional lessons for Level

Additional lessons for Level

Java Syntax Zero
Level 8 , Lesson 8

In this level, you learned what primitive types Java has and how they are expanded and narrowed. We talked about objects and classes. What's more, we began to study what makes Java Java — the principles of object-oriented programming. Be patient a little longer: before you proceed to the next level, we recommend that you work through this lesson.

Principles of object-oriented programming

You already know how everything is organized in Java: you declare classes and create objects based on classes, classes have methods, etc. But why is it all like this and not otherwise? Why is the language structured so that programs consist of classes and objects, and not something else? Why was the concept of an "object" invented and put at the forefront? Are all languages designed this way? If not, what advantages does it give to Java? There are a lot of questions This lesson will help you tackle them. You will dive deep into the principles of OOP: inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

Comments (5)
Anonymous #11128275 Level 16, Belgium
14 December 2022
This is a very unclear question: "Which of the following options correctly describes inheriting the Dog class and the Wolf class?"
Iris Cabell-Kluch Level 17, United States
24 May 2023
Agreed. A wolf is not a dog, and vis-versa. They are both Canines though.
Pekotski Level 16, Zurich, Switzerland
18 October 2023
Our ancestors bred (artificial selection) dog(s) from wolf(s). Hope that clarifies it for ya.
Campbell, Jackson Level 12, Corona, USA
20 October 2023
It was a very vague question
atb2199 Level 19, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
5 September 2022
Excellent level