CodeGym /Java Course /Java Core /Useful links from the Professor — 19

Useful links from the Professor — 19

Java Core
Level 9 , Lesson 9

"Amigo, congratulations! You are one step away from the end of the next big stage of your training. I always said you would be a huge success."

"Thank you, Professor! Now I know all about streams in Java, and Diego's tasks helped me better understand what's happening."

"That's great. But I have a couple more lessons for you that will definitely help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic. Sit back, get comfortable, and carefully read a couple of articles.

Adapter design pattern

"In programming, as in many other areas, there are a large number of common situations that everyone encounters. To avoid reinventing the wheel every time, it's better to use ready-made solutions that work. In programming, they are called design patterns. There are a lot of them. In this article, we'll talk about the adapter pattern.

Practice working with the BuffreredReader and InputStreamReader classes

Once again, we'll review familiar material about the BufferedReader and InputStreamReader class, this time with more complex examples that you'll certainly understand at this stage of your training. We'll also consider how to replace System.out.

Comments (7)
Evgeniia Shabaeva Level 32, Budapest, Hungary
18 September 2024
On the one hand, I kinda managed to do most of the tasks in the previous lesson without too much struggling and now I more or less remember the algorithm of replacing System.out and restoring it. On the other hand, I still do not understand why we are doing it. Why replace System.out at all?..
Andrei Level 41
5 February 2021
Jajajajaa Professor, see you at level 41!
aijo Level 30, Germany, Germany
28 February 2022
aaand you're there now. well done! ;)
Andrei Level 41
3 March 2022
brooo I was there last year! :D now I've got a job :D:D
Krzysiek Nowak Level 33, Poland, Poland
16 May 2023
so motivating bro congratz
Andrei Level 41
16 May 2023
thx bro, keep pushing. 👍
Agent Smith Level 38
8 September 2020
Good stuff, especially the recommended book.