CodeGym /Courses /Java Multithreading /Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Java Multithreading
Level 4 , Lesson 12

"Hi, Amigo!"

"Hi there. Say, Julio, did you serve in the army?"

"No, Amigo, I didn't. They didn't take me..."

"Why didn't they take you?"

"They couldn't find me…"

Java Multithreading, level 4, lesson 12
Minecraft: The Story of Mojang
Lean back and relax for a while. Today we’ve chosen a cool documentary about the history of one the world’s most popular games — Minecraft. This film features the development process and interviews with company personnel and people in the gaming industry. It explains the Minecraft phenomenon and its influence in numerous fields.
Comments (4)
Jaime Padilla Level 41, Chandler, United States Expert
29 September 2023
"Decided to Pirate our movie, eh? Now you'll have to deal with these scroll y bits!" Lol!
Justin Smith Level 41, Greenfield, USA, United States
15 January 2022
Minecraft is a good example of how, as a student of Java (or any programming language for that matter), you will benefit from having a personal project that's important to you. Don't just do CodeGym tasks. I'm going to guess that a lot of people here have that "game I always wanted to make" in the back of their heads somewhere. If you're this far in CG, you should be able to get started with that (just be aware that CG hasn't really taught anything about graphics yet, you'll have to look up how to work with JFrame and Swing). I have a project that goes back 20 years that I originally started writing in a different language, and since starting CG, I've been looking into reviving that project with Java. Done some fooling around already with setting up object hierarchies and generating some randomized results. It's fun! And when it's fun, you're more likely to want to spend more time working on it.
Christopherjr Level 1, United States
24 December 2021
I loooooooove Minecraft
Azja Level 32, Krakow, Poland
23 May 2019
Minecraft always on top! :D