"Hi, Amigo! I already miss our lessons. Here are a few tasks to practice object initialization:"

Module 1. Java Syntax,  level 3lesson 8
Changing shoes on the move
Practice declaring and changing the values of variables while a program is running: 1. Put a break point on the call to the println method and run the program in debug mode. 2. After execution stops, press F8 exactly 9 times. 3. Look at the current value for the correction variable and set the fahre
Module 1. Java Syntax,  level 3lesson 8
Executing a snippet of code
Practice executing a snippet of code while a program is running: 1. Put a break point on the call to the println method and run the program in debug mode. 2. After execution stops, press Alt+F8 and execute the following code: loop.replaceAll("\\W", "").split("fahrenheit")[1] 3. Assign the result of