"Heaven help us! You've overworked yourself again! I told you to pace yourself. Let me give you something relaxing to watch:"
New Java Syntax,
level 9,
lesson 9
Without Java, we would have a Javapocalypse
You’ve almost completed Level 8! With all these lectures and tasks, you need a break. Learning Java may be tough, but remember: the world can’t exist without Java! What if it suddenly disappeared one day? What would happen to our familiar surroundings? Make yourself comfortable and watch an exciting and fun video about the real Javapocalypse. :)
Not that big a deal. If Java goes, I'm sure that C# could pick up the slack, since it's essentially Microsoft's version of Java. Possibly even Go could become more popular. Both languages are awesome.
That was fun! A few questions though. The film suggested that Java is secure. Language alone... is Java considered nigh bulletproof? Write once... run anywhere. Is this possible without JVM? Is Java built to make refactoring easy (erm, easier)? Are their other reasons why large corporations prefer running on Java? Thanks for your consideration.