One of the greatest benefits of online learning is that you can study whenever you want, even at 5 a.m. (cheers, early birds). At the same time, for people who have gone through the school/university system where the material was presented in the format of ready-made lessons, lectures, and seminars, and teachers explained unclear points when possible, it can be challenging to build their study plan and motivate themselves. CodeGym users often ask, 'How do you properly learn Java?' That's why we've prepared a collection of texts on this topic, including advice from developers, learning tools, and more. Learning Bundle: How to Learn Java. A Comprehensive Collection About the Study Plan, Tools, and Motivation - 1

Create a Study Plan

Before we start doing something, we usually plan. This also applies to learning. You need a consistent approach that helps you understand new material. Why a study plan is required:
  • It helps to break down a large task (mastering Java programming) into smaller tasks. For example, learning the general syntax of the language; understanding classes, objects, and exception handling; learning to work with files and input/output streams; mastering multithreading, getting familiar with collections; the basics of web development, and popular frameworks.
  • It helps to create a convenient schedule. For example, 4 hours daily. Or 2 hours on weekdays, and 6 hours on weekends, etc.
  • It helps to track progress: you can compare your achievements during learning with where you started. You can also check what you have already learned against the planned checkpoints and understand if you need to adjust your study schedule.
  • A study plan is not just a tool for organizing your learning journey; it's a powerful motivator. The sense of accomplishment that comes from ticking off a task on your list can be a strong driver for further learning.

Sharpen Your Learning Tools

Once you've decided what to study, it's worth considering how to do it. In 2024, you can learn not only through books. There are convenient programs and features, such as those on JavaRush. For those who need a "magic push" to study regularly, CodeGym has developed a “kick-in-the-butt” schedule (it works for the CodeGym mobile app). To help find answers, use CodeGym’s "Help" section, a collective intelligence of students and specialists on the platform. In this section, you can ask a question, and someone from the CodeGym community will answer it. And, of course, there are many more valuable tools to make your learning experience smooth and fruitful. We’ve collected and analyzed some of them for you.

Find Motivation and Boost Self-Esteem

Self-esteem might not seem like a crucial thing in the learning process. You may even think that it’s more important to be a genius in mathematics, physics, and other exact sciences. Not at all. Many intelligent people abandon it halfway, not being motivated to study programming. Low motivation and self-esteem may cause imposter syndrome, procrastination, and burnout. These can occur not only at work but also in learning.

Switch from Learning to Something Useful

As we mentioned earlier, you can also "burn out" from learning. To prevent this, you need to switch to other activities occasionally. Additionally, it's important to return to studying promptly to avoid forgetting what you have already learned.

Read Valuable Advice from Those Who Have Already Succeeded

The best advice on learning Java and finding a job afterward can come from those who have successfully completed their studies and become developers. This includes creating a study schedule, finding a mentor, and a list of resources.