Hi there, and welcome to our annual selection of the best posts on the CodeGym blog, which our users liked a lot. We hope that your learning was smooth and you’re ready to continue your training in 2023! But, of course, you deserve a break. So take your time, and refresh your mind with some of the best articles. They will help you stay focused and on track to your goal – mastering programming. The most liked CodeGym posts in 2022 about learning to code, maintaining your motivation, and preparing for the first job - 1

Find out about the personal experience of other CodeGym students

Stay self-motivated in the course of learning

Make your Java learning smooth

The most liked CodeGym posts in 2022 about learning to code, maintaining your motivation, and preparing for the first job - 2

Prepare to become a market-ready Java specialist

Have some fun!

Which CodeGym posts did you like more? And what should we write about in 2023? Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Have a great holiday time, and a Happy New Year; see you soon! Your CodeGym Team