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Lucy Oleschuk
CodeGym University in India
16 January 2023 13:13
The Best IT Companies for Junior Java Developers in India: Overview of Job Offerings and Internship Programs
India is one of the largest IT outsourcing hubs with a great number of big companies and rapidly emerging startups. Hence, a growing demand for IT professionals and Java developers in particular...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Collections
12 January 2023 8:56
How to create a dictionary in Java
If you need to create a dictionary in a Java program, the most logical way to solve this problem is to use the dictionary data structure. This data structure allows you to store information in the form "key - value". Java has a special Dictionary...
Aditi Nawghare
Methods in Java
11 January 2023 16:45
Java main() Method
The java main() method is the initial point of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is used to initiate the execution of a Java program. The main() method would probably be the first method you’ll learn when you start Java programming as it’s the essential...
Artem Divertitto
Strings in Java
11 January 2023 15:58
Java String equals()
Comparing objects for equivalence is one of the most important programming operations. However, for all its obviousness in the numeric world, it is not always clear how to compare other data types. Java Object class, a basic one, defines the equals() and compareTo() methods for comparison...
Yuliia Tunik
CodeGym University in India
11 January 2023 14:11
Does Java Have A Good Future Ahead? Video
We continue a series of videos with a career consultant at CG University Shubham Dumbre, in which he talks about training, job search, and career building. In this video, he explains how popular Java is and why developers and businesses choose it...
John Selawsky
Methods in Java
11 January 2023 12:26
Methods in Java
Hello again! In the last lesson we got acquainted with classes and constructors, and learned how to create our own. Today we will become better acquainted with methods, an essential part of classes. A method is a set of commands which allow you to perform a specific operation in a program ...
Lucy Oleschuk
10 January 2023 16:47
What to Expect from Java Ecosystem? The prospects for Java Specialists in 2023
What 2023 holds for the tech industry and the Java world particularly? How demandable and rewarding will be Java devs’ work? What is happening in IT shpere and what can we do about it? These and many other acute questions...
Aditi Nawghare
Java Objects
10 January 2023 12:02
Wrapper Classes in Java
Hi! You are already well acquainted with primitive types, and have worked quite a bit with them. In programming (and Java in particular), primitives have many advantages: they use little memory (and thus make the program more efficient) and have a clearly delineated range of values ...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Numbers
10 January 2023 10:00
Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java
In Java, a feature of primitives and their wrappers is autoboxing/unboxing. Let's dig into this concept. As we've already learned, Java is an object-oriented language. That means that all programs written in Java are made of objects.
Andrey Gorkovenko
10 January 2023 9:57
Java vs. JavaScript. Which One Is The Best Choice for Learning in 2023
It’s like Java and JavaScript, the programming languages are just bound to be pitted against each other forever. It starts with the name. JavaScript was doomed to be eternally confused as some extension to Java, and indeed it is confused...
Pavlo Plynko
Java Collections
9 January 2023 16:03
LinkedHashMap in Java
The LinkedHashMap class of the Collections framework is the Hashtable and LinkedList implementation of the Map interface. It stores its entries in a Hashtable and uses a doubly-linked list internally to maintain the insertion order. This LinkedList defines...
9 January 2023 15:18
Top 6 books about Java for beginners
We're accustomed to being able to quickly access and absorb information. We prefer five-minute videos to lengthy lectures and short articles to books. I won't say that a good programming book replaces every article — that's not the case. And it certainly doesn't replace practice. However, for me personally...
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