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4 December 2020 10:28
The Christmas Sale on CodeGym is Well Underway!
We simply can’t ignore the fact that the festive season is here, knocking at our doors! So, can we skip the part with surprises and presents for our dearest? Of course not, even though it’s still 2020, and anything can happen. But you can count on us no matter what. The season of really cool discounts...
Andrey Gorkovenko
25 November 2020 9:38
What to Listen: Best Podcasts for Java Programmers and Tech Experts
“Learning never exhausts the mind,” said Leonardo da Vinci. We are not trying to argue with one of the greatest geniuses of all times, but learning all the time can be tiring, even if you are...
23 November 2020 10:32
Need Help? Best Ways to Find a Coding Mentor for Java Beginners
Let’s face it, trying to master anything new on your own can be a wearing journey. After all, we humans are social creatures. And if your goal is to learn programming from scratch (not the easiest skill) the road can be long and full of terror, figuratively speaking...
Jesse Haniel
Keywords in Java
20 November 2020 8:35
Java return Keyword
As we know, the Java language is an object-oriented programming language. In other words, the fundamental concept, i.e. the foundation of the foundation, is that everything is an object. Objects are described using classes. Classes, in turn, define state and behavior. For example, a bank account...
Alex Vypirailenko
Java Examples
20 November 2020 8:14
Java Program for factorial
Today we're going to talk about factorials and the most common ways to find factorial. This is one of the most basic functions that a programmer needs to both know and be able to work with. Well, let's get started. The factorial of the number n, denoted as n!, is the value of the product...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java IO & NIO
20 November 2020 7:10
Is there nextChar() in Scanner Class in Java?
Taking character input in Java isn’t as simple as taking input as a string or integer. The Scanner class in Java works with nextInt(), nextLong(), nextDouble(), etc. However, it does not support nextChar in Java, which makes taking character input slightly more complicated. If you’re looking...
Success Stories
19 November 2020 9:42
From university to mid-level dev
Hello, everyone! I've been meaning to write my story for a year now. I never found the time. But the thought would never leave me, and then one fine evening the opportunity came. I'll give you a little background. I graduated from the university with a degree...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Arrays
18 November 2020 12:55
How To Add a new Element To An Array In Java
Oh, Java arrays. They are the object of intense love and hatred of hundreds of beginner software developers. Adding elements to an array that was already initialised is impossible, they said… Actually, it is possible, but not in a classical meaning...
Milan Vucic
Java Collections
18 November 2020 11:44
Sublist() Method in Java: ArrayList and List
The Collections Framework is a very popular component in Java API. List interface and ArrayList class are probably the most important tools in the Collections Framework. subList is a method in the List interface that lets you create...
John Selawsky
Java Collections
18 November 2020 11:06
HashSet contains() Method in Java
What is a HashSet? HashSet is a built-in datatype in Java, and in layman terms you can say “HashSet is an unordered collection of unique elements.” Have a look at a basic example. HashSet extends (extends means a class is inherited from another class) AbstractSet and...
Artem Divertitto
Java Collections
18 November 2020 10:49
Queue poll() Method in Java with Examples
Just like the name implies, Queue is a common data structure in Java following the First In First Out (FIFO) insertion order. You can easily imagine it as a queue at a grocery store. The sooner you enter, the sooner you leave. It means the element...
18 November 2020 9:16
2020/21: Software Development Trends and Future Predictions
It’s less than two months till the end of 2020. The time to start stock-taking and next year forecast-making. Which is kind of always fun, isn’t it? Summing up what this year has brought us and speculating on what to expect in the next year. That is exactly what we are going to do today...
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