Recommendation from mentor:
"The University class there should have a getStudentWithLowestAverageGrade() without parameters, which returns a Student."
Line 60 of the university class is exactly that???
import java.util.Date;
public class Car {
static public final int TRUCK = 0;
static public final int SEDAN = 1;
static public final int CABRIOLET = 2;
double fuel;
public double summerFuelConsumption;
public double winterFuelConsumption;
public double winterWarmingUp;
private int type;
private boolean driverAvailable;
private int numberOfPassengers;
public Car(int type, int numberOfPassengers) {
this.type = type;
this.numberOfPassengers = numberOfPassengers;
public int fill(double numberOfGallons) {
if (numberOfGallons < 0)
return -1;
fuel += numberOfGallons;
return 0;
public double getTripConsumption(Date date, int length, Date summerStart, Date summerEnd) {
double consumption;
if (date.before(summerStart) || date.after(summerEnd)) {
consumption = length * winterFuelConsumption + winterWarmingUp;
} else {
consumption = length * summerFuelConsumption;
return consumption;
public int getNumberOfPassengersThatCanBeCarried() {
if (!isDriverAvailable())
return 0;
if (fuel <= 0)
return 0;
return numberOfPassengers;
public boolean isDriverAvailable() {
return driverAvailable;
public void setDriverAvailable(boolean driverAvailable) {
this.driverAvailable = driverAvailable;
public void startMoving() {
if (numberOfPassengers > 0) {
} else {
public void fastenPassengerBelts() {
public void fastenDriverBelt() {
public int getMaxSpeed() {
if (type == TRUCK)
return 80;
if (type == SEDAN)
return 120;
return 90;