package com.codegym.task.task04.task0427; /* Describing numbers */ import java.util.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //write your code here Scanner input = new Scanner(; int n = input.nextInt(); /* "even single-digit number" - if the number is even and has one digit, "odd single-digit number" - if the number is odd and has one digit, "even two-digit number" - if the number is even and has two digits, "odd two-digit number" - if the number is odd and has two digits, "even three-digit number" - if the number is even and has three digits, "odd three-digit number" - if the number is odd and has three digits. If the entered number does not fall in the range 1 - 999, don't display anything. */ String e1n = "even single-digit number"; String o1n = "odd single-digit number"; String e2n = "even two-digit number"; String o2n = "odd two-digit number"; String e3n = "even three-digit number"; String o3n = "odd three-digit number"; if ((n<10) && (n%2 == 0)) System.out.println(e1n); else if ((n<10) && (n%2 != 0)) System.out.println(o1n); else if ((n < 100) && (n%2 == 0)) System.out.println(e2n); else if ((n< 100) && (n%2 != 0)) System.out.println(o2n); else if ((n <= 999) && (n%2 == 0)) System.out.println(e3n); else if ((n <= 999) && (n%2 != 0)) System.out.println(o3n); } }