CodeGym /Java Course /Java Multithreading /Learning to google. (How to set up IDEA for specific codi...

Learning to google. (How to set up IDEA for specific coding conventions: Ctrl+Alt+L)

Java Multithreading
Level 9 , Lesson 11
Learning to google. (How to set up IDEA for specific coding conventions: Ctrl+Alt+L) - 1

"Hi, Amigo!"

"Let's continue our lessons on how to google."

"Here are some exercises:"

Web search exercises:
1 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to rename a variable?
2 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to replace some code with other code?
3 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA so that the variable the cursor is pointed at is highlighted everywhere in the code?
4 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to rename a method?
5 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to rename a class?
6 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to wrap some code in a try-catch?
7 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to quickly create a constructor?
8 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to create getters and setters?
9 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to implement missing methods in a class?
10 How do I use IntelliJ IDEA to override the methods of a parent class?
Comments (5)
Denys Level 41, Ukraine
7 March 2021
Ctrl + Alt + L - Reformat code (make it beautiful) 1. Shift + F6 2. Ctrl + R 3. Ctrl + Shift + F7 4. Shift + F6 5. Shift + F6 6. Ctrl + Alt + T 7. Alt + Insert 8. Alt + Insert 9. Ctrl + I 10. Ctrl + O
Andrei Level 41
24 May 2021
For 6, CTRL+ALT+T does not work for me. It pops-up a menu with 2 options, which only surround the code with comments, no try-catch available. I even tried it on a bufferedreader with the readline code, which was highlighted red (as in it was giving an error) and still only comments appeared as available in the menu.
Lisa Level 41
9 October 2021
@Andrei: 6. ALT + Enter 3. ALT + F7 is also very useful, list where all variables are used (separated in load and save value) 4+5. also possible CTRL+SHIFT+ALT + t opens the refactor menu 9. ALT + Enter also useful: STRG + ALT + t surround with dialog
WIDMO Level 25, Gdańsk, Poland Expert
29 July 2020
Why now? This lesson should appeared long time ago. I feel like I was blind till now ..
catalin1989 Level 37, Romania
17 March 2024
I agree with you. This lesson should have been in the chapter New Java Syntax.