0. Start here
Hello. If you are reading these lines, then, yes, you're in the right place: these are Java lessons. Our training course is chock full of practice (1500+ practical tasks) and is designed for an adult audience. Boring lessons are not our style, so we created CodeGym as an online game (quest).
If you've never programmed or studied programming, if you're over 30 and decided to change your profession, if you're bored by learning to program from textbooks or you're just plain lazy(!) — CodeGym is exactly what you need. Learning in a game-like setting is awesome!
Have you ever played games where you level up characters? Sometimes you don't even notice how absorbed in the game you've become, right? Can you guess where I'm going with this? In CodeGym, you will also level up a character. Complete the entire course and become a cool Java programmer.
If you complete Java University, you'll be able to get a job as a junior Java developer. All this is possible because CodeGym has lots of practical tasks. A lot.
1. Learning only the Java language
When compared with other educational platforms, CodeGym is unique in that we only teach how to program in Java. We are constantly working make your learning experience more effective, more fun, and more accessible. As a result, we have become the Runet's most popular resource for learning Java.
If we, like many others, started adding courses in C#, JavaScript, Python, etc., then we would quickly become just another website among thousands that teach everything but in a mediocre way. Our goal is to make the indisputably best Java learning site in the world.
That means we often have to deny ourselves the pleasure of making another course covering the latest hyped topic. Instead, for the umpteenth time, we refine the same lessons and improve the same tasks. As they say, perfect is the enemy of good 🙂
So let's take a quick look at what we have today on CodeGym.
2. Quest map

CodeGym's entire Java course is divided into blocks called quests (or modules). Each class is one level. At two classes per week, that's 104 levels per year. Since we are constantly improving things, the list of modules may change.
Each level, in turn, consists of 5-15 lessons and about 30 tasks.
The tasks gradually become more difficult. The initial tasks can be solved in a couple of minutes. Tasks at the end of the course may take hours or even days to complete. Completing the entire course will give you 500-1000 hours of programming experience. This is the minimum you need to establish your ability to "think like a programmer".
The entire course will take approximately 12 months to complete.
3. Levels and lessons

All the quests are divided into levels. Each level consists of 5-15 lessons. Lessons, in turn, can contain tasks. There are lessons without any tasks, and there are lessons with more than ten tasks.
And to make the learning more interesting for you, all the training takes the form of a game. In many games, you gain experience by killing monsters and leveling up. Each new level gives you some interesting new opportunities. It's the same in CodeGym.
In CodeGym, you solve tasks and get black matter as a reward.

You can spend this black matter to unlock the next lessons and levels. And the new levels bring you new lessons and new tasks. To complete the entire Java course, you will have to solve at least 70% of all the tasks.
4. Black matter
Lessons can only be unlocked in order. You cannot open a lesson somewhere in the middle of the course without first unlocking all the lessons before it. What's more, in order to unlock the next lesson, you must first "save up" enough dark matter, and then use it to "buy" the next lesson:

If you have enough black matter, then the lesson will open, and you will see the following message:

If you don't have enough black matter, then you will see another message:

5. Continue
If you return to the website after a long absence and want to quickly get back to the last lesson you opened, there are 2 quick ways to do this:
Method one
Open the quest you are currently working on. Next to the last level you opened, you will see a "Continue" link. Click it and you will be taken to the last lesson you opened in this quest.

Method two
Click Learning in the left sidebar on the website. You will be taken to your personal learning page. On this page, there will be a list of the last three lessons you opened in the Recommended lessons subsection. The most recently opened lesson is the leftmost. Click the desired card and — boom — you're in the lesson.