Task: Following the instructions from the sixth lesson of the fifth level:

  1. Create a table object with five columns in the space schema:
    • id of type INT
    • name of type VARCHAR(100)
    • type of type VARCHAR(50)
    • discoverer of type VARCHAR(100)
    • discovery_date of type DATE
  2. create in schema library:
    1. publisher table with two columns:
      • id of type INT
      • name of type VARCHAR(100)
    2. author table with four columns:
      • id of type INT
      • first_name of type VARCHAR(50)
      • last_name of type VARCHAR(50)
      • full_name of type VARCHAR(100)
    3. book table with six columns:
      • id of type INT
      • title of type VARCHAR(100)
      • author_id of type INT
      • publisher_id of type INT
      • publication_year of type INT
      • isbn of type BIGINT
  3. Create in the lego scheme:
    1. part table with four columns:
      • id of type INT
      • number of type VARCHAR(25)
      • name of type VARCHAR(100)
      • weight of type FLOAT
    2. lego_set table with five columns:
      • id of type INT
      • number of type INT
      • name of type VARCHAR(100)
      • released type INT
      • inventory of type INT