CodeGym /Courses /All lectures for EN purposes /The task is to fill two of the previously created tables ...

The task is to fill two of the previously created tables with data

All lectures for EN purposes
Level 1 , Lesson 101

Task: fill in the object, author and book tables with data.

Values ​​for table object:

id name type discoverer discovery_date
1 Uranus PLANET William Herschel March 13, 1781
2 Phobos SATELLITE Asaph Hall August 18, 1877
3 Deimos SATELLITE Asaph Hall August 12, 1877
4 4446 Carolyn ASTEROID E. Bowell October 15, 1985
5 Titan SATELLITE Christiaan Huygens March 25, 1655
6 Pluto DWARF_PLANET Clyde W. Tombaugh February 18, 1930
7 P/2010 B2 COMET WISE January 22, 2010
8 C/1823 Y1 COMET Nell de Breaute December 29, 1823
9 Sun STAR
10 Vesta ASTEROID Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers March 29, 1807
eleven io SATELLITE Galileo Galilei January 8, 1610
12 Callisto SATELLITE Galileo Galilei January 7, 1610
13 1143 Odysseus ASTEROID K. Reinmuth January 28, 1930
14 624 Hector ASTEROID A. Kopff February 10, 1907
15 588 Achilles ASTEROID MF Wolf February 22, 1906
16 Venus PLANET
17 Mars PLANET
18 2016BA14 COMET Pan-STARRS January 22, 2016
19 2019 LD2 COMET ATLAS-MLO June 10, 2019
20 C/1858 L1 COMET Giovanni Battista Donati June 2, 1858

Values ​​for the author table:

id first_name last_name full_name
1 Robert Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson
2 Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley
3 Gabriel Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez
4 Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway
5 William shakespeare William Shakespeare
6 Homer Homer
7 Mark Twain Mark Twain
8 George Orwell George Orwell
9 Plato Plato
10 Edgar Poe Edgar Allan Poe
eleven John Tolkien JRR Tolkien
12 Franz Kafka Franz Kafka
13 Arthur Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle
14 Charles Dickens Charles Dickens
15 James Joyce James Joyce
16 Jules Verne Jules Verne
17 Johann Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
18 Marcel Proust Marcel Proust
19 Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche

Values ​​for table book:

title author_id publisher_id publication_year isbn
TREASURE ISLAND 1 1 2017 9785389052857
THE STRANGE STORY OF DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE 1 1 2019 9785389024007
TREASURE ISLAND 1 1 2017 9785389092983
TREASURE ISLAND 1 1 2007 9785911815196
TREASURE ISLAND 1 1 2011 9785389031173
TREASURE ISLAND 1 1 2015 9785389097186
HAMLET 5 1 2018 9785389064751
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW 5 1 2016 9785389033900
ROMEO AND JULIET 5 1 2018 9785389027039
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW 5 1 2009 9785998503160
ODYSSEY 6 1 2018 9785389057319
ODYSSEY 6 1 2018 9785389092983
ILIAD 6 1 2018 9785389058705
ILIAD 6 1 2018 9785389030800
ODYSSEY 6 1 2014 9785389081192
ODYSSEY 6 1 2010 9785998509018
ILIAD 6 1 2014 9785389078390
ILIAD 6 1 2010 9785389078390
A YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT 7 2 2018 9789660375383
ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER 7 1 2018 9785389030978
Comments (1)
Parsa Level 78, Bangalore, India Expert
21 January 2025
Workbench says making those changes with including the primary key (id) is unsafe and that we should turn off some safety feature in the preferences to proceed. A solution to that would be subqueries. UPDATE SET full_name = 'Clive Staples Lewis' WHERE full_name = 'C. S. Lewis' AND id = (SELECT id FROM WHERE full_name = 'C. S. Lewis' LIMIT 1); The problem however is that for Tolkein for instance, there was a typo. It was entered JRR previously, but the task says "J. R. R.". So it doesn't recognize that one.