Let's start with filling out your profile. Since we've already created a resume in the previous unit, you can copy most of the information from there. However, unlike a resume, which is limited to 1-2 pages, LinkedIn allows you to detail your experience more extensively in the relevant section. Additionally, there are specific nuances unique to LinkedIn.

Let's look at what makes a good profile and its components.

Intro. This is the first thing visitors see on your page, a brief summary of information about you. It's important to use your real name here and a photo (not a party picture, but a calm, neutral one). Consider choosing a background photo. It's a small detail, but it helps to meet social norms, tell something about you, and add life to a dry profile.

Profile Headline. Here, you can simply state your current job and title (or just the title). This is sufficient, but a creative approach can make your profile stand out. In addition to your title, you can include a couple of keywords and your unique value proposition if you have one.

[Job Title] | [Keyword 1], [Keyword 2], [Keyword 3] | [Unique Value Prop]

You can find suitable keywords by reviewing ten or twenty job descriptions for positions that interest you. Then, experts recommend running these descriptions through a resume scanner (for example, ResyMatch.io), scan and save the most frequently occurring keywords.

A unique value proposition should answer some questions such as:

  • How have I helped the companies I worked for?
  • What results did my work bring them?
  • How is my approach different from others?
  • Compile all this into one sentence starting with “I help…”.

For example:

Java Mentor at CodeGym | Java Teaching | I help newbies to become software developers

About. While the headline can be standard, the About section should definitely include a short professional summary, all your experience and skills, education, and language courses. If you like using emojis, feel free to do so, but keep it relevant and don't overdo it.

As we mentioned earlier, LinkedIn does not have a size limit, so some points can be described in more detail, of course, within reasonable limits.

For example, you can elaborate on your responsibilities and achievements in previous jobs or courses (if they are relevant). Students of the Java University gain a lot of experience during the course. In the 'Experience' section, it's important to write not just "I completed CodeGym," but "solved 1000 practical tasks, ranked so-and-so in the group, received praise from my mentor, completed 5 projects with specific functionalities" – anything that could catch an HR's attention. Describe your experience through achievements.

Skills Section. Be sure to fill this out in detail. LinkedIn uses these skills to search for developers for HR managers. Additionally, skills listed in your profile can be endorsed by other users (like friends and colleagues, don’t hesitate to ask them to do this), and the number of endorsements affects how your page appears in search results. The more endorsements you have, the better. And from there, it's a short step to attracting a recruiter's interest.

Licenses and Certificates Section. Attach all your certificates to your profile, especially if they are from entities like Amazon Web Services or Oracle.

Location is important on LinkedIn. For example, if you want to find a job in Germany, set your location to "Germany."