CodeGym /Courses /Python SELF EN /Advanced Parameter Handling

Advanced Parameter Handling

Python SELF EN
Level 6 , Lesson 5

11.1 Infinite Number of Parameters

In Python, functions can be designed to accept an infinite number of parameters. This is achieved using arguments passed via *args for regular parameters and **kwargs for named parameters.

Using *args

*args allows a function to accept an arbitrary number of positional arguments, which the function treats as a tuple. Here's an example:

def print_all(*args):
    for item in args:
print_all(1, 'apple', True)  # will output 1, apple, and True.

The variable args will contain a tuple of all the parameters that were passed to the function when it was called.

Using **kwargs

**kwargs works similarly to *args, but for named arguments, represented as a dictionary. This allows the function to accept any number of named arguments:

def print_named_items(**kwargs):
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        print(f"{key}: {value}")
print_named_items(fruit='apple', number=1)  # will output fruit: apple and number: 1

These mechanisms make functions extremely flexible and useful in scenarios where the number of parameters is unknown in advance, such as in API development or event handling functions.

We'll explore both cases in more detail later, but you should know that in Python, you can easily access all the arguments passed to a function. And you can pass anything you want to the function.

11.2 Specifying Types

As you know, variables in Python don't have a predetermined type. You can assign a value of any type to any variable, and in the next line assign a new type, and so on.

This is very convenient for small programs and not so convenient for large ones. When a program is very large and the functions amount to thousands, a programmer can't remember exactly what data needs to be passed to a function and in what order.

In languages with static typing, the IDE itself hints to programmers what parameters and types need to be passed when calling a function. But Python – it's still a dynamically typed language, so there's nowhere for such hints to come from.

That's why the creators of Python came up with something known as type hinting. It's kind of like variable types, but they're more recommendations than strict types. The specified types don't impose any restrictions.

Type hinting was introduced in Python 3.5 and became popular thanks to PEP 484. It's a mechanism that allows programmers to specify expected types for variables, arguments, and function return values.

Even though Python remains dynamically typed, type hinting adds clarity and supports static type checking. Here's an example of type hinting:

def add_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

The variable type is indicated with a colon, and the type of the function's return result with an arrow.

Benefits provided by type recommendations:

  • Improved Documentation: Explicit type hints make the code self-documenting.
  • Better Autocompletion: Code editors can use type information to improve autocompletion.
  • Debugging Aid: Static type checking can identify potential errors before the program runs.

Tools for Working with Types

Python itself doesn't react to declared variable types. Instead, Python has a special utility — mypy — a popular static type checker that helps catch errors in code using type hints.

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Functions in Python,  6 уровень,  5 лекция
Functions in Python
Functions in Python