CodeGym /Java Course /Python SELF EN /Gathering Data Using "Next" Links

Gathering Data Using "Next" Links

Python SELF EN
Level 34 , Lesson 1

1. Introduction to Pagination

Who said the data you need is gonna be on a single page? Most of the time you have to scrape it out of a bunch of pages, or it's scattered all over the site. So one of the first challenges you'll face is splitting data across pages. And the exciting task of gathering it all is called pagination.

Yup, pagination isn’t just that moment where you’re waiting to click to the next Google results page — it’s also when a web scraper wonders: "How do I automate this so I don’t have to do it manually?"

Pagination is a way websites organize data so you don’t get super long pages with content. Instead, sites break the data into pages, adding links like "Next" or "More" to move from one page to another. It’s a big deal because, as a web scraper, you don’t wanna tell your boss you missed stuff 'cause it was hidden on "page five."

2. Challenges of Scraping Data from Multiple Pages

The first problem you might hit is URLs that aren’t intuitive or predictable. Some sites don’t have URLs that change predictably when flipping through pages, making automation a bit of a nightmare. For example, instead of page=1, page=2, you might see x=abc, x=def, with no clear pattern.

The second problem is bot protection. Some sites actively track the number of requests from a single IP address. If they think you’re overdoing it, you might be temporarily (or permanently) blocked.

But don’t worry, we’re gonna learn how to get around these issues like pro scrapers.

3. Navigating Pagination

Techniques and Strategies

  1. Analyzing URL Structure: Most of the time, pages use a parameter in their URL to show the page number, like ?page=2. If you spot this, congrats — you’ve found a golden template for navigating pagination!
  2. Looking for "Next" Links: Sometimes URLs can’t be predicted. In those cases, you’ll need to hunt for "Next" or "More" links on the page and follow them.
  3. Using AJAX Requests: Some sites load data via AJAX without refreshing the page. Here, you’ll need to intercept those requests and mimic them.

Let’s move on to some hands-on practice!

Script Example for Navigating Pagination and Gathering Data

Check out this example script:


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Function to get data from one page
def get_data_from_page(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
        # Here you extract data from soup - an example
        data = soup.find_all('div', class_='data-class')
        for item in data:
            print(item.text)  # Print or save the data
        print(f"Failed to load page: {url}")

# Main logic for navigating pagination
def scrape_all_pages(start_url):
    current_url = start_url
    while current_url:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(current_url).text, 'html.parser')
        # Trying to find the "Next" button
        next_button = soup.find('a', text='Next')
        if next_button:
            current_url = next_button['href']
            current_url = None

# Start scraping from the first page
start_url = ''

It’s a basic example showing the concept of working with pagination. You’ll need to adapt it to the structure of the website you’re working with.

Managing Sessions and Using User-Agent

When sending lots of requests to a site, it’s helpful to use a session and change the user-agent to lower the risk of being blocked.


headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3'}

session = requests.Session()

response = session.get('')

This setup lets you mimic a browser better than just sending requests with empty headers.

4. Practical Implementation

Now that we know the basics, let’s make things a bit more complex. Let’s look at a case where page links have unpredictable parameters, and we need to use AJAX to grab data.

AJAX Implementation

Sometimes data doesn’t load on the main page but is fetched via AJAX. If you spot that, use your browser’s dev tools to analyze network requests and figure out what’s being sent in the background. Then mimic those requests using Python.


# AJAX call example
ajax_url = ''

params = {
'some_param': 'value',  # parameters if required for the request
'page': 1

while True:
response = session.get(ajax_url, params=params)
data = response.json()
if not data['has_more']:
# Process data
for item in data['items']:
params['page'] += 1  # Move to next page

This approach works when analyzing requests and responses gives you a clear picture of how data gets loaded into the browser.

Today’s lecture dove into the fascinating and often tricky world of pagination. This skill will let you confidently and effectively gather data from websites without missing a single page. After all, just like in life, in web scraping, persistence and methodical approaches always pay off — who knows what hidden treasures lie on page twenty?

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Basic Pagination with BeautifulSoup
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