The scopes request, session, application and websocket are only available if you use the implementation ApplicationContext in a web-enabled Spring framework (for example, XmlWebApplicationContext). If you use these scopes with regular Spring IoC containers such as ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, an IllegalStateException will be thrown indicating the bean's scope is unknown.

Initial web configuration

To support the creation of bean scope at the request, session, application and websocket levels (web-scoped bins) requires some initial setup before defining a bin. (This initial setup is not required for the standard scopes: singleton and prototype).

How you do this initial setup depends on your specific servlet environment.

If you access beans that are in scope in Spring Web MVC, that is, within a request that is handled by Spring DispatcherServlet, no special configuration is required. DispatcherServlet already exposes all relevant states.

If you are using a Servlet 2.5 web container that handles requests outside of the Spring DispatcherServlet (for example, when using JSF or Struts), you need to register org.springframework.web.context. request.RequestContextListener ServletRequestListener. For Servlet 3.0+ this can be done programmatically using the WebApplicationInitializer interface. Alternatively, or for older versions of containers, add the following declaration to your web application's web web.xml file:


Alternatively, if you have trouble setting up the listener, consider using Spring's RequestContextFilter. The display of filters depends on the surrounding web application configuration, so you should change it accordingly. The following listing shows part of a web application filter:


DispatcherServlet, RequestContextListener and RequestContextFilter do the same thing, namely associate an HTTP request object with a Thread that serves this request. This allows beans within the request or session scope to be accessed further down the call chain.

Request scope

Consider the following XML configuration to define a bean:

<bean id="loginAction" class="com.something.LoginAction" scope="request"/>

The Spring container creates a new instance of the LoginAction bean using the loginAction bean definition for each HTTP request. That is, the loginAction bean is in scope at the HTTP request level. You can change the internal state of the created instance as much as you like, since other instances created from the same loginAction bean definition do not see these state changes. They depend on the specific request. If the request completes processing, the bean within the scope of the request is eliminated.

When using annotation-driven beans or Java configuration, the @RequestScope annotation can be used to assign the bean scope to request. The following example shows how to do this:

public class LoginAction {
    // ...
class LoginAction {
    // ...

Visibility within a session

Consider the following XML configuration to define a bean:

<bean id="userPreferences" class="com.something.UserPreferences" scope="session"/>

The Spring container creates a new instance of the UserPreferences bean using the userPreferences bean definition for the lifetime of one HTTP Session. In other words, the userPreferences bean is effectively scoped at the HTTP Session level. As with request-scoped beans, you can modify the internal state of the created instance as much as you like, knowing that other HTTP Session instances that also use instances created based on the same bean definition userPreferences will not notice these state changes because they pertain to a separate HTTP Session. If an HTTP Session ends up being excluded, the bean that is bound to that particular HTTP Session is also excluded.

When using annotation-driven beans or Java configuration, you can use the @SessionScope annotation to assign a bean scope to session.

public class UserPreferences {
    // ...
class UserPreferences {
    // ...

Visibility within the application

Consider the following XML configuration to define a bean:

<bean id="appPreferences" class="com.something.AppPreferences" scope="application"/>

The Spring container creates a new instance of the AppPreferences bean using the appPreferences bean definition once for the entire web application. That is, the appPreferences bean is in scope at the ServletContext level and is stored as a regular ServletContext attribute. It is somewhat similar to the Spring singleton bean, but differs from it in two important ways: It is a singleton object for each ServletContext, rather than for the Spring ApplicationContext (which can be multiple in any given web application), and it actually opens, which is why it is visible as the ServletContext attribute.

When using annotation-driven beans or Java configuration, you can use the @ApplicationScope annotation to assign the bean scope to application. The following example shows how to do this:

public class AppPreferences {
    // ...
class AppPreferences {
    // ...

Visibility scope within WebSocket

WebSocket scope is associated with the lifecycle of a WebSocket session and applies to STOMP over WebSocket applications.