CodeGym /Java Course /Module 5. Spring /Interface Resource

Interface Resource

Module 5. Spring
Level 4 , Lesson 2

The standard class and the standard handlers for the various URL prefixes in Java are unfortunately not good enough to provide access to all low-level resources. For example, there is no standardized URL implementation that can be used to access a resource that needs to be obtained from the classpath or relative to the ServletContext. Although it is possible to register new handlers for specialized URL prefixes (similar to existing handlers for prefixes such as http:), this is usually quite difficult, and the URL will still be missing some desirable features, such as a method for checking the existence of a pointed resource.

The Resource Interface

The Resource Interface of the Spring framework, located in the package. is intended to abstract access to low-level resources. The following listing briefly introduces the Resource interface. For more information, see the javadoc at Resource.

public interface Resource extends InputStreamSource {
    boolean exists();
    boolean isReadable();
    boolean isOpen();
    boolean isFile();
    URL getURL() throws IOException;
    URI getURI() throws IOException;
    File getFile() throws IOException;
    ReadableByteChannel readableChannel() throws IOException;
    long contentLength() throws IOException;
    long lastModified() throws IOException;
    Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException;
    String getFilename();
    String getDescription();

As you can see from the definition of the Resource interface, it extends the InputStreamSource interface. The following listing shows the definition of the InputStreamSource interface:

public interface InputStreamSource {
    InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;

Some of the most important methods of the Resource interface are:

  • getInputStream(): Finds and opens a resource, returning an InputStream to read from the resource. Each call is expected to return a new InputStream. It is the responsibility of the calling code to close the stream.

  • exists(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the stream exists the given resource in physical form.

  • isOpen(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the given resource represents a handle (handle) with an open stream. If true, then InputStream cannot be read multiple times and should be read only once and then closed to avoid resource leakage. Returns false for all standard resource implementations except InputStreamResource.

  • getDescription() : Returns a description for this resource, which will be used to display errors when working with the resource. This is often the fully qualified file name or the actual URL of the resource.

Other methods get the actual URL or File object. representing a resource (if the base implementation is compatible and supports this functionality).

Some implementations of the Resource interface also implement the extended interface WritableResource for a resource that supports writing into it.

Spring itself makes extensive use of the Resource abstraction as an argument type in many method signatures when some resource is required. Other methods in some Spring APIs (for example, the constructors of various ApplicationContext implementations) accept a String that is used, unadded or plain, to create a Resource corresponding to a given context implementation, or by using special prefixes on the path to String allows calling code to specify the creation and use of a specific Resource implementation.

Although the interface Resource is often used in Spring and by Spring itself, it's actually very convenient to use as a general utility class in your own code to access resources, even if your code doesn't know about other parts of Spring and doesn't implement their. While this does bind your code to Spring, it really only does this kind of binding with this small set of utility classes that serves as a more functional replacement for URL and can be considered equivalent to any other library you would use for this goal.

The Resource abstraction does not replace functionality. Whenever possible, she turns around. For example, UrlResource wraps a URL and uses the wrapped URL to accomplish its task.

Built-in implementations of Resource

Spring includes several built-in implementations of Resource:

  • UrlResource

  • ClassPathResource

  • FileSystemResource

  • PathResource

  • ServletContextResource

  • InputStreamResource

  • ByteArrayResource

Full list of Resource implementations available in Spring, can be found in the "All known class implementations" section of the javadoc at Resource.


UrlResource wraps and can be used to access any object that would normally be accessed using a URL, such as files, HTTPS target, target FTP and others. All URLs have a standardized String representation, so appropriate standardized prefixes are used to distinguish one type of URL from another. These include file: for accessing file system paths, https: for accessing resources via HTTPS, ftp: for accessing resources via FTP protocol and others.

UrlResource is created by Java code by explicitly using the UrlResource constructor, but is often created implicitly by calling an API method that takes a String argument to represent a path. In the latter case, the PropertyEditor of the JavaBeans class ultimately decides what type of Resource to create. If the path string contains a known (meaning to the property editor) prefix (for example, classpath:), then a corresponding specialized Resource is created for this prefix. However, if it does not recognize the prefix, it assumes the string is a standard URL string and creates a UrlResource.


This class represents the resource to be retrieved from the classpath. To load resources, either the thread's context class loader, this class loader, or this class is used.

This Resource implementation supports resolution as if the classpath resource is on the filesystem, but not for classpath resources that are in a jar and have not been deployed (by the servlet engine or some other environment) to the filesystem. To solve this problem, various Resource implementations always have support for performing permission in the form of

ClassPathResource is created in Java code using the ClassPathResource constructor, but is often created implicitly by calling an API method that takes a String argument to represent the path. For the latter case, the PropertyEditor class of JavaBeans recognizes the special prefix classpath: in the path string and in this case creates a ClassPathResource.


This is an implementation of Resource for handles to instances of the class. It also supports java.nio.file.Path processing, using Spring's standard string-based path transformations, but performing all operations through the java.nio.file.Files API. For pure java.nio.path.Path based support, use PathResource instead. FileSystemResource supports both File and URL resolution.


This is an implementation of the Resource interface targeting java.nio.file.Path handles, performing all operations and conversions through the Path API. This implementation supports resolution as File and as URL, and also implements the extended WritableResource interface. PathResource is actually a pure alternative to FileSystemResource, based on java.nio.path.Path, with a different logic of createRelative .


This is a Resource implementation for ServletContext resources that interprets relative paths in the root directory of the corresponding web application.

It always supports streaming and URL access, but also provides access via only if the web application archive deployed, and the resource is physically located on the file system. Whether it will be deployed to the file system, whether it will be accessible directly from the JAR, or from somewhere else, such as a database (which is entirely possible), really depends on the servlet container.


InputStreamResource is the Resource implementation for a given InputStream. It should only be used if a particular implementation of Resource is not applicable. In particular, favor ByteArrayResource or any of the file-based Resource implementations whenever possible.

Unlike other Resource implementations, this is a handle to an already open resource. So it returns true from the isOpen() function. Don't use it if you need to store a resource handle somewhere or if you need to read the stream multiple times.


This is an implementation of Resource targeting a given byte array. Creates a ByteArrayInputStream for a given byte array.

It is useful for loading content from any given byte array without having to use a one-time InputStreamResource .
