Neo4j is an open source NoSQL graph database that uses a
full-featured data model of nodes connected by full relationships, which is better suited for linked big data than
traditional RDBMS approaches. Spring Boot provides several helpers for working with Neo4j, including a "starter"
Connect to Neo4j database
To access the Neo4j server, you can implement the autoconfigurable org.neo4j.driver.Driver
. By default,
the instance will try to connect to the Neo4j server at localhost:7687
using the Bolt protocol. The
following example shows how to implement a Driver
for Neo4j, which will give access to, among other
things, Session
public class MyBean {
private final Driver driver;
public MyBean(Driver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
class MyBean(private val driver: Driver) {
You can add various aspects of the driver to the configuration using the spring.neo4j.*
properties. The
following example shows how to configure the URI and credentials to use:
uri: "bolt://my-server:7687"
username: "neo4j"
password: "secret"
Autoconfigurable Driver
is created using ConfigBuilder
. To fine-tune its configuration,
declare one or more ConfigBuilderCustomizer
beans. Each of them will be called in order through the
, which is used to create the Driver
Spring Data Neo4j repositories
Spring Data contains repository support for Neo4j.
Spring Data Neo4j shares the Spring Data JPA infrastructure, as do many other Spring Data modules. You can take the
JPA example from the previous section and define City
as @Node
for Spring Data Neo4j
rather than @Entity
for JPA, while abstracting storage will work exactly as shown in the following
public interface CityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<City, Long> {
Optional<City> findOneByNameAndState(String name, String state);
interface CityRepository : Neo4jRepository<City?, Long?> {
fun findOneByNameAndState(name: String?, state: String?): Optional<City?>?
"Starter" spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j
enables support for repositories, as well as transaction
management. Spring Boot supports both classic and reactive Neo4j repositories through the Neo4jTemplate
or ReactiveNeo4jTemplate
beans. If Project Reactor is available in the classpath, the reactive style is
also automatically configured.
You can configure the locations where repositories and entities will be searched using the @EnableNeo4jRepositories
and @EntityScan
annotations, respectively, on a bean marked with the @Configuration
annotation code>.
In an application using the reactive style, ReactiveTransactionManager
is not automatically
configured. To enable transaction management, the following bean must be defined in the configuration:
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class MyNeo4jConfiguration {
public ReactiveNeo4jTransactionManager reactiveTransactionManager(Driver driver,
ReactiveDatabaseSelectionProvider databaseNameProvider) {
return new ReactiveNeo4jTransactionManager(driver, databaseNameProvider);
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class MyNeo4jConfiguration {
fun reactiveTransactionManager(driver: Driver,
databaseNameProvider: ReactiveDatabaseSelectionProvider): ReactiveNeo4jTransactionManager {
return ReactiveNeo4jTransactionManager(driver, databaseNameProvider)